AD: 1.52% (CU: 3.15%)
AD Exp: 1.83% (CU: 4.57%)
AD Exp2: 1.53%
Decay: 0.70%
Decay Exp: 0.76%
Decay Exp2: 0.83%
Gain: mono 0.04%, stereo 0.11%
Gate: 0.29%
Gate Soft: 0.49%
Parabolic: 0.03%
Stepped Random: 0.69% (CU: 1.12%, AccentsPingedScaledRandom: 1.78%)
- Download a773-0.0.1.pkg
- Copy to SD card + install from 0.6 package manager
CPU-usage is not linear on the ER-301. These figures are measured in the most conservative way:
- Measured on around 60-70% cpu load, by loading a large number of units
- Cpu usage = (total_cpu% - 3%) / nb_units
- CU refers to the cpu usage of a comparable custom unit build by me