- This is a fork from another project made for learning purposes.
- For Usage of code and Unity Engine for this project in detail, please visit "WIKI".
- This repos covers [ https://www.amazon.com/Programming-Example-Wordware-Developers-Library/dp/1556220782 ] .
- I've been converting this book's C++ code to Unity C# for studying purpose!
- I hope this repos to help out who want to know about basic(but actually hard) GAME AI like me.
- The west world project covers FSM, and TELEGRAM for event-driven game system.
- The Steering Behaviors covers Basic steering like Seek, Evade, Impose, offset pursuit, etc., and Group Steering like seperate, alignment, cohesion.
- In this project, I didn't implement a code from after Flocking paragraph to the end.
- The Simple Soccer project covers Steering and FSM systems.
- This project reveals that how we can calculate a 'Best Supporting Spot', 'Pass or Shoot mechanism' and following 'State' what Player should have.
- The Youtube video link of this chapter is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkzPBJMhQC8&t
- This chapter describes that calculating Shortest path methods by using DSF, BSF, Dijkstra and A* algorithms.
- I didn't post any of the context in this chapter because those algorithms are very famous, and also It is too much for me to describe all of those algorithm mechanism.
- Plan to post later.
- Plan to post later.