- Download & link language model of Spacy for the english language
>>> pip install rasa_nlu
>>> pip install rasa_core
2) For better result we can use large model:
>>> python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg
- Linking manually:
python -m spacy link en_core_web_lg en
- ###Train
#####train nlu
python -m rasa_nlu.train -c nlu_config.yml --data nlu.md -o models --fixed_model_name nlu --project default
- #####train core
python -m rasa_core.train -d domain.yml -s stories.md -c policy_config.yml -o models/dialogue
- ####Interactive training
python -m rasa_core.train interactive -o models/dialogue -d domain.yml -s stories.md --nlu models/default/nlu --endpoints endpoints.yml --config policy_config.yml
- ######Main Functionality for testing######## ######Run################
#####rasa core nlu tracker #####actions
python -m rasa_core_sdk.endpoint --actions actions --port 8000
python run_all.py
yarn install
yarn build
yarn serve