Implementation of k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN) algorithm in Python
The kNN algorithm is entirely built using in-built Python functions, however, the program uses matplotlib for displaying graphs and following are the steps to set that up.
Open Terminal and run the following commands:
pip install matplotlib (This command installs matplotlib)
sudo apt-get install python-tk (This command installs the python-tk package)\
Kindly execute the program using the following steps:
1. Open terminal and navigate to the path containing the 4 Python (.py)
files mentioned in the previous section.
2. Execute the following command:
python <directory_name> <value_of_k>
<directory_name>: Specifies the name of directory containing the
training and testing datasets.
<value_of_k>: Specifies the value of k
Note: For any value of k, the program measures the accuracy for all
odd values of k from 1 to k.
For instance, if k=9, the program will display the accuracy for
Example command: python heart 11