A Django Website that Scrapes TS Floor Prices and stores historical data on each moment
Make sure to install the following:
- pip our python package manager
- redis for our celery broker
- chromedriver, the current chromedriver in the project is the one that works on my personal computer make sure to download correct verison given your chrome version
Set up is rather easy with the pipenv package simply run the following terminal commands in the project directory
pip install pipenv
pipenv shell
pipenv lock
pipenv install
Just like that all the dependecies for the project are installed in our virtual environment! To run the server, execute the following in the pipenv shell
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py createsuperuser
python manage.py runserver
To start scrapping you will need to start up the redis server, open up a new terminal where you installed redis and run
Now that thats running, open two new terminals in your pipenv environment and run each in a different shell
celery -A topShotScrapper worker -l info
celery -A topShotScrapper beat -l info
It is currently configured to run every hour as it takes ~20 minutes to scrape every moment. To edit how many teams you want to scrape go to core/tasks.py and lower the upperbound of the for loop. To edit the scheduler go to topShotScrapper/settings.py and go to the CELERY_BEAT_SCHEDULE and change the schedule value (in seconds).
Home Screen
Moment Data
Detailed Set