Neural Machine Translation Project for NLP Class at NYU MS in Data Science
The goal of this project is to build a neural machine translation system and experience how recent advances have made their way. Each team will build the following sequence of neural translation systems for two language pairs, Vietnamese (Vi)→English (En) and Chinese (Zh)→ English (En).
- Recurrent neural network based encoder-decoder without attention
- Recurrent neural network based encoder-decoder with attention
- Convolutional or self-attention based encoder.
- Self-attention translation system
- Multilingual translation system
To be able to run the notebooks you should install the following packages:
- spacy
- underthesea
- jieba
- pdb
- sacrebleu
All of them can be downloaded using the commands below
pip install spacy && python -m spacy download en
pip install underthesea
pip install jieba
pip install pdb
pip3 install sacrebleu