A simple ASCII art generator written in C++.
Coded in one morning for a programming challenge, with the bells and whistles added overtime.
Uses the CImg library.
To compile, use the following command:
g++ ascii.cpp -o ascii -std=c++17 -O3 -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lm -lpthread -lX11 -lstdc++fs
ascii <image> <downscale factor> [-i | --invert] [-d | --debug]
- image: the image you want to convert (ex: test.jpg)
- downscale factor: the resize factor (ex: 2 will resize the image to half its resolution)
- invert: inverts the pixel values, might improve the look of some images
- debug: outputs raw pixel values before converting the image
The downscale factor is necessary for larger images because the resulting output will probably be unreadable through a standard terminal.
This software uses the GNU LGPL license, because it is the closest to the CECILL-C license that CImg uses.