Aelyon project is one platform B2B
The following are needed by this project:
Clone this repository and bundle.
git clone
cd aelyon-b2b
bundle install
Create and initialize the database using this command:
rails db:setup
Load the sample data
rails spree_sample:load
Start the application server.
rails server
Access the application at http://localhost:3000/ and login using the email and password that was entered earlier on.
is the active development branch
Make a new branch to work on your development:
git checkout -b <name_of_branch>
You can check the location of your branch using git branch
All local development should be done in the appropriately named branches:
for substantial new features or functionsenhance/<branch_name>
for minor feature or function enhancementrefactor/<branch_name>
for code refactoring of existing functionsbugfix/<branch_name>
for bug fixes
WARNING: Do not merge your changes directly into your local master branch and push to GitHub!!!
If you are done developing the component you are working on, push your branch to github
and open a pull request to the master
Give your pull request a title and describe what you are trying to achieve with your code. The branch or release manager will review your code and take the next appropriate actions.
This project following spreecommerce as a base system. Here the GitHub Link
Update Spree 4 in Rails 6