You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 1
Main goal is to bring people who would want to study together but don't know each other. (I think we should make this clear to differentiate from things like Google Latitude.)
Location aware, beacons shown on map.
Course list automatically pulled from MIT using Stellar API.
QR code scanning for quick beacon joining.
Beacons may contain contact details with links to place call/sms/email.
Notification bar icon to quickly access current beacon.
Consistent and intuitive icons for all sorts of user actions (join/leave/edit beacon, star/unstar/add course)
Features that are more implementation related than user facing:
Client/server communication for finding other's beacons. (python scripts with MySQL backend)
sqlite database for local storage on device.
registers handler for beacon:// scheme URI requests from the OS.
Many customized UI widgets.
Map View
Implement ContentProvider for beacons to put on map
Overlays: Me, Beacon, BeaconShortDetails, BeaconLongDetails
You can only ever be at one beacon at a time
Course listing
MIT Mobile Stellar module documentation https://wikis.mit.edu/confluence/display/mobileis/Stellar+Module
Example API call http://m.mit.edu/api/?module=stellar&command=courses http://m.mit.edu/api/?module=stellar&command=subjectList&id=8
Parse with org.json.JSONTokener http://developer.android.com/reference/org/json/JSONTokener.html
"My classes" goes into a SharePreferences object
Database design
Beacons ( BeaconId int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, LatE6 int NOT NULL, LonE6 int NOT NULL, Course varchar(255) NOT NULL, Details varchar(255), Contact varchar(15), Created DATETIME, Expires DATETIME, Valid boolean DEFAULT TRUE, PRIMARY KEY (BeaconId) )
Device presence (at beacon) ( DeviceId int NOT NULL, BeaconId int NOT NULL , Valid boolean DEFAULT TRUE , PRIMARY KEY (DeviceId) )
Periodic (cron?) job to remove expired beacons from database
Device ID: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2785485/is-there-a-unique-android-device-id