After playing around with JUCE for a couple days, I realized there were some major drawbacks to the layout system. After some researching (okay, I admit, just a lot of google searching) I was fortunate enough to encounter several clever folks had drafted up some solutions to this issue so here is a basic proof of concept illustrating the usefulness of these dock-able windows developed by Jim with a tangible use case developed by myself. In future work, we would like to additionally update the window so that the OpenGL View updates when a .obj file is selected, but for now we demonstrate the proof of concept with an image viewer.
Figure 1: Initial start-up screen. Future updates include removing tabs and starting at a screen similar to image 3).
Figure 2: Demonstration of the docking window created by Jim and found here. As mentioned in the description, dockable windows shows how windows can be dragged away from the main application window, creating a new desktop window, and then dragged back to the main application. This is similar to photoshop and visual studio.
Figure 3: What we would image the initial screen to look like ideally.
Figure 4: Demonstrating image selection functionality.