Releases: akvo/akvo-flow-mobile
Releases · akvo/akvo-flow-mobile
Akvo Flow app v2.5.1 - Groundbreaking Grass
New and noteworthy
- CI deployment of release branch on uat1 for testing - #976 Now all commits to release trigger beta builds.
Resolved issues
- Transmission keeps absolute path to files - #1084 Fixed issue where files were not found due to full path kept in database transmission table.
- Syncing in data points - #1116 Getting existing datapoints is now called "Download".
- Media files in saved forms - #1130 Fixed saved submission images were lost if updated to 2.5.0 before submitting.
- Remove transmission item for synced in datapoints - #1132 Removed display of confusing UUID which did not correspond to an actual file.
Akvo Flow app v2.5.0 - Fantastic Fern
New and noteworthy
- Secure collected data and images - #977 Collected data and media files are now stored in the app private storage.
- Add walkthrough for data storage privacy changes - #984 Added an introduction to explain the changes made to the storage of collected data and images.
- Exported data has to be saved to private app storage. - #991 Zip files are now generated in the application's private folder.
- Create a service to make existing public data private (move data from public to private storage) - #992 Old collected data was moved from public to private storage.
- Settings to temporary publish data - UI - #993 Added a section to the app settings to allow temporarily publishing collected data and media for manually upload to the dashboard.
- Media needs to be saved in private app storage - #1009 Videos and images are now saved to private app storage.
- Settings to temporary publish data - Logic - #1038 Added the logic to allow publishing of private files for manual data upload to the dashboard.
- Published files when device reboots - #1044 When device reboots, make sure the timeout for published files is not lost.
- Service to remove public data files - #1046 Once time runs out, published files are removed.
- Show loading while data is being published - #1048 Display a "loading" widget while the files are being published.
- Delete collected data and published files - #1049 When deleting collected data or deleting everything in settings, we also delete the published data.
- Update the ui with the latest progress - #1050 Display the remaining minutes left until the files are automatically unpublished.
- Secure data and images: filter out "saved" images when publishing - #1052 Images from "saved" submissions will not be published.
- Exported files folder - #1053 Published files will be located in the app public folder, different from where the original public files were located.
- Logic for deleting files and data - #1058 Added the logic for deleting the published media and collected data.
- Increase minSdkVersion to 15 - #1071 The minimum supported version is now API level 15 or Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0.3)
- Move published files to app public storage - #1080 The published files are now located in the public folder /Android/data/org.akvo.flow/files/.
- Update translations - #1119 Translations for French, Portuguese and Spanish have been updated.
Resolved issues
- Fix video viewing - #1015 Video viewing has been fixed after moving media files to private storage.
- Errors when publishing private data - #1040 The expected error messages will be displayed when an error occurs during the data publishing.
- Videos can no longer be opened on devices with Android 8 - #1042 Fixed the issue with video files on Android 8.0 devices.
- Improve user handing in FlowApp - #1056 The handling of current user has been improved and cleaned.
- Cleanup SurveyDbAdapter and SurveyDbDataSource - #1059 Some unused methods have been removed.
- Publish data not available when minute 0 is still running - #1106 The remaining time is shown correctly until time runs out and data can be published again.
- Download form with ID and Redownload all switched - #1108 Fixed the issue where both settings had been switched.
- Replace image loading library - #1114 Using the glide image loading library which will reduce the number of OOM Exceptions.
- Remove unused resources - #1120 Removed some unused resources from the app.
Akvo Flow app v2.4.8 - Epic Elm
New and noteworthy
- Old devices and apk updates - #1093 Display a dialog for old devices that we will soon stop supporting.
- Save BuildConfig settings for the dashboard - #1092 Save settings for basic dashboard configuration.
- Add android build version code to deviceapprest call - #1091 Sending android build version to the backend.
- Add dexcount plugin - #1082 Checking dex file size when building the app.
Resolved issues
Akvo Flow app v2.4.7 - Deterministic Daisy
New and noteworthy
- Add Pijin and Tok Pisin to languages list - #1062 These 2 new languages can now be used in the app.
Akvo Flow app v2.4.6 - Cosmic Coconut
New and noteworthy
- Split MediaQuestionView into Video and Image - #1000 Separated video and photo question types in two different views.
- Remove SurveySyncBroadcastReceiver - #898 After the navigation drawer refactor, this class could be removed.
- Create user dialog layout - #817 New layout for creating users.
- Create user behaviour - #816 Improved the logic behind user creation.
- Edit user dialog layout - #815 New layout for editing users.
- Rules around deleting a user - #814 Improved logic for deleting users.
- Navigation drawer layout - add divider - #809 Added divider between the two navigation drawer sections.
- Navigation drawer refactor - #808 The navigation drawer logic and layout has been refactored for a cleaner logic and an improved layout.
- Improve survey deletion dialog - #705 Improved logic and layout of survey deletion dialog.
- New users layout - #670 The user header of the navigation drawer layout has been improved.
Resolved issues
- Selecting surveys and users is hard - #1031 Increased the clickable area of the survey and user items for easier clicking.
- MapFragment centerMap method needs improvement - #1028 Refactored a method in map fragment.
- When first logging in the menu is not displayed correctly - #1027 Fixed the menu not being displayed correctly after the first login.
- When Caddislfy result is empty or a String the app crashes with JsonSyntaxException - #1024 Fixed a crash related to an unexpected caddisfly answer.
- Unable to start gcm Task due to null intent - #1021 Fixed crash related to Gcm Tasks.
- Improve image resizing to mitigate OOM - #1005 Improved the image resizing logic after a picture is taken.
- Sync data receiver is not secure - #996 Secured data sync receiver.
- Full photo not shown in full screen - #989 Fixed the full size photo display.
- After deleting everything and logging back in, the old survey is still selected - #912 After deleting everything, the views are now reset.
Akvo Flow app v2.4.5 - Bent Banana
New and noteworthy
- Pull latest strings for the app - #1013 Updated strings for French, Spanish and Portuguese.
- App settings changes - #994 Made the settings title and section more consistent.
- Flow app UI testing - #930 Added Flow ui app testing for the forms section.
- Add leak canary library to debug builds - #850 Added new tool to track memory leaks in debug builds.
Resolved issues
Akvo Flow app v2.4.4 - Aerodynamic Avocado
New and noteworthy
- Pull latest strings for the app - #985 Translations for some languages have been updated.
- Confirm overwriting geolocation data - #981 Before overwriting existing gps data we will request user confirmation to prevent accidental deletions of location.
- Update copyright to 2018 - #980 Copyright year has been updated to use current year generated at build time.
- View filled survey responses improvements - #949 Removed unnecessary buttons from read-only response viewing screen.
Resolved issues
- If Image or Video taking fails nothing is displayed - #972 Show an error message when image or video acquisition fails.
- Use app dedicated public storage for apk files - #968 APK files are now stored in app dedicated public storage.
- Form files seem to have been deleted from the device - #959 Form files are now stored inside app private storage (not accessible to other apps).
- Video file not found on sony experia - #612 Fixed error when on sometimes the video URI was not correct.
Akvo Flow app v2.4.3 - Zetetic Zonkey
New and noteworthy
- login screen tests - #936 Added tests to the login screen.
- Improve copy for new update message - #903 The message inviting to update the app is now shorter and clearer.
- Update Sentry Android SDK - #789 Using the new sentry library to send error logs.
Resolved issues
- Improve upload-apk module - #946 The upload-sdk module has been improved.
Akvo Flow app - Yetanother Yak - Hot Fix
Resolved issues
- Revert reload all surveys setting - #953 The reload all surveys setting has been reverted to previous state which will allow the user to recover from missing forms error by force reloading all the forms.
Akvo Flow app 2.4.2 - Yetanother Yak
New and noteworthy
- Inform the user when there are no data points to sync in - #922 A SnackBar message is now displayed when there are no datapoints to sync.
- Build config changes for android studio 3.0 update - #913 Updated build scripts for faster builds.
- Add tests for response viewing - #907 Viewing responses is now covered by unit tests.
- Survey bootstrap should be triggered automatically if possible - #635 When new surveys are pasted in the inbox folder, the bootstrap processing starts automatically without the user having to restart the app.
Resolved issues
- Fix build scripts after gradle update - #932 Some fixes were required after android studio update.
- Reload all forms (phase 1) - #923 The option 'Reload all forms', inside 'Settings', now works the same way as restarting the app and no longer requires a code.
- Script app/sh/ - #811 Removed unused file.