Releases: akvo/akvo-flow-mobile
Releases · akvo/akvo-flow-mobile
Akvo Flow app v2.3.3 - Quizzical Quokka
Resolved issues
- Long form names do not look nice on some devices - #727 Long form names in the navigation drawer now have a small right margin.
- Pressing back with the navigation drawer shown closes app - #711 Fixed the issue with pressing the back button when the navigation drawer was being displayed.
- NumberFormatException: Invalid long: "21474836472147483647" - #701 Fixed issue with excessively long numbers which no longer wil be accepted.
- GeoQuestion Location Invalid Input - #679 Manually input coordinates are now verified before submission.
- Crash: NullPointerException when trying to open FormActivity - #637 Fixed a crash when trying to view a deleted datapoint.
Akvo Flow app v2.3.2 - Performant Panther
Akvo Flow app v2.3.1 - Optimised Octopus
ver 2.3.1
Date: 10 April 2017
New and noteworthy
- Improve UI for when searching for location - #673 Improved the look of geo question: it is now clearer when you can input the coordinates manually.
- Add dependency injection with dagger 2 - #534 First step to introduce dependency injection.
- Show Caddisfly result in more meaningful way - #470 Caddisfly test results are now displayed with the actual test values.
Resolved issues
- GeoQuestion Location Timeout - #675 If the location fails to be retrieved, you will now see a SnackBar which will allow you to retry.
- Remove "searching" textView - #674 The "searching" text was confusing and has been removed.
- Simplify dialogue for failed GPS search - #672 The dialog prompting for enabling the GPS setting now has a clearer message.
- Date Picker using GMT formatting by default - #662 Fixed the issue where a wrong day was displayed for some timezones.
- Crash when attempting to display the gps dialog - #656 Fixed the crash when the device was rotated while the GPS prompt dialog was displayed.
Akvo Flow app v2.3.0 - Nifty Nuthatch
ver 2.3.0
Date: 16 March 2017
New and noteworthy
- Automate release note creation - #604 Release notes can now be generated faster with a script.
- Create 3 modules for the layers of the app - #535 This is the first step of refactoring the app to 3 layers app/domain/data.
Resolved issues
- Review some exceptions being sent to sentry - #633 Filtered out exceptions that were not useful to reduce traffic.
- Data sync notifications phase 1 - #584 Removed notifications when datapoints are being sent to the server.
- Languages: Find a better way to handle languages - #576 Improved language settings per survey and moved languages to the language table.
- Languages: When switching surveys the previous survey languages are displayed - #575 Fixed issue when survey languages were displayed for all the surveys at the same time.
- Database refactor phase 1 - #544 User preferences have been moved out of database into SharedPreferences for faster access.
Akvo Flow app v2.2.11 - Masterful Mouse
Akvo Flow app v2.2.10 (Hot Fix)
Date: 15 February 2017
Resolved issues
- Offline survey export: files folder missing - #614 Fixed the issue where for surveys with a slash in survey name, the collected data zip file was not generated.
Akvo Flow app v2.2.10 - Kinky Kookaburra
Akvo FLOW app release notes
ver 2.2.10
Date: 19 January 2017
New and noteworthy
- Update play services - #508 Using Google Play Services version 7.5.0 with new features and bug fixes.
- Add basic lint configuration - #532 Lint can now be run before building the app.
- Move Version code and name to properties file - #555 It is now easier to increase version name and code.
- Remove location beacon sending - #550 The location beacon sending feature, disabled by default, has now been completely removed.
- Design changes after update of support library - #559 The Android Support Library has been updated to version 25.0.1 with multiple cosmetic improvements and fixes.
- Replace Akvo FLOW by Akvo Flow string - #564 The app naming is now consistent everywhere in the app.
- Pull latest translations from Transifex - #589 The translations have been updated.
Resolved issues
- Change the query type for the data point search - #467 You can now easily search for a data point using any of the name fields, not just the first word.
- Error notification icon is shown as empty white circle - #486 Notification look has been improved with new icon and colors.
- When notifications have long text, only one line is shown - #519 Notifications can now be expanded on newer devices and the text has been made clearer and shorter.
- Error notification too long for unsuccessful syncing of data points - #560 Notifications for data point syncing errors now have shorter text (similar to #519).
- Syncing imported data points - #526 You will be notified if the data points were not synced correctly.
- When device is rotated user is shown the download update dialog again - #499 You will no longer be constantly shown the update dialog when rotating the device.
- How to notify user of available updates - #578 Related to #499, the update frequency and user notification of new updates has been reduced.
- Form name does not wrap - #521 Long form names are now displayed correctly.
- "About Akvo" is outdated - #545 The "About Akvo" screen now shows up to date information.
- Long cascade options do not wrap - #568 Long cascade names are now visible in full.
Akvo Flow app v2.2.9
New and noteworthy
- Add possibility to update the app from the settings screen - [#500] You can now go to the Settings screen and check for updates for the app and whenever you chose so.
- Improvements to login screen [#469] - We have made it easier to navigate between text input fields. Use the softkeyboard keys to go the the next field and to send the data when all done.
- Remove the text input field for barcode questions when manual input disabled [#460] - We removed the confusing non editable text input when manual input is not allowed.
- Facilitate debugging using the same debug key [#509]
- Allow debugging the app directly from Android Studio [#491] - We have made it easier to debug directly using android studio and provided instructions in the wiki.
- Moved non translatable strings to a separate file [#480]
- Added unit tests support [#305] - You can now run unit tests, just follow instructions provided in the wiki.
Resolved issues
- When device is rotated do not show the user is logged in [#498] - We no longer show the Toast message saying the user has been logged in every time the device is rotated.
- Surveys with the same name failed with manual transfer [#476] - We have fixed the issue and you can have multiple forms with the same name and manually transfer them with all the questions displayed correctly.
- Added translations when there was an error synchronising a file [#487] - We have provided translations for this error message.
- Do not check for notifications before deviceId is set [#484] - This is the second part of [#454] and prevents the device from syncing if there is no deviceId set.
Akvo Flow app v2.2.8
New and noteworthy
- Nepali translations [#330] - We have introduced Nepali as a new language in the app, and in addition updated translations in a number of the other languages [#478]
- Use new Flow app icon [#466] - We have updated the Flow icon in line with the new Akvo-wide design guidelines
- Caddisfly question type [#421] - As part of the integration of the Akvo Caddisfly app with Akvo Flow, the app now recognises a
caddisfly question
as a new question type
Resolved issues
- Do not check for new surveys before Device ID is set [#454] - This fixes the issue where it was not possible to identify a device in the dashboard because it was missing the user-defined device identifier. This was caused by the app connecting to the dashboard before the identifier was setup correctly within the app, and as a result, transmitting an empty field instead of the device identifier
- Remove unused geopoint code [#461] - A cleanup of the system to remove unused parts of the application