Releases: aless80/DeepSeeButtons
Version v0.1.7
*) Added a "Source Count" column to the Build/Synch table. The code runs a SQL query on a cube's source class when some criteria are met. The criteria are: Extent Size<200,000, if 10,000<Extent Size<200,000 check if a Bitmap index is present in the table. I will keep an eye on this to see if DeepSeeButtons performs worse
*) Added the name of the cube registry storage class
*) Typo messed up sorting of table with Frequent queries
*) Fixed code in alertInitialBuildCubeManager alert that I touched in v0.1.6
*) made an element id unique ("otherelements")
*) Corrected what I did in version v0.1.6 for alertInitialBuildCubeManager. Now it runs for all cubes when they are enabled in Cube Manager
*) In UI: Permissions for link to UI: now I suggest in the README to add a check for %DeepSee_Admin and %Development
*) In UI: Removem duplicate cubes from when exiting dialog
*) In the popup the ALL check box was still on after clicking on a single cube
*) In UI: DeepSeebuttons -> DeepSeeButtons
Version v0.1.6
*) Added the doctype declaration. In HTML5 it is ok without but was confusing IE
*) Removed a call to alertInitialBuildCubeManager showing "Alert: there is no record for the initial build of YOUR_CUBE from Cube Manager. Check if the cube is updating" from the Most Recent Activity in Cube Manager section. Now it only gets called in the Cube Manager section when a cube is registered and status is enabled.
*) There were a couple of lines before the element.
*) Indentation of the html code
*) Identified some unclosed tags
DeepSeeButtons v0.1.5
*) Fixed bug found with a feature introduce in 0.1.4. The bug happened when .group from ##class(%DeepSee.CubeManager.Utils).GetCubeGroups(.groups), for some reason, has empty strings instead of orders
*) Updated the sortTable function to work with this variable as argument, and to replace NA or "" with -Infinity when sorting numerically
*) Fact count in table does not include restrictions. for example, AsthmaPatients is 1,000. That is correct from ##class(%DeepSee.Utils).%GetCubeFactCount("ASTHMAPATIENTS"), so I added a note visible when hovering on the header "Fact Count" in a couple of places
DeepSeeButtons v0.1.4
Fixed bug with versioned cubes in older versions, added cube group and order to Cube Build/Synch table but removed Related cubes column, added checkbox for ALL in UI (%DeepSee.UI.Dialog.GetCubeList class).
DeepSeeButtons v0.1.3
Added in the DeepSeeButtons.mac routine more logging of warnings and errors for the UI to track
DeepSeeButtons v0.1.2
DeepSeeButtons with %DeepSee.UI.* classes implementing the UI in Caché/IS IRIS Management Portal