- Install BetterDiscord to enable theming and custom CSS
- Install Glasscord for transparent discord
- Spicetify lets you customize colors
- On Manjaro, be sure to run
sudo chmod -R 777 /opt/spotify
before runningspicetify backup apply enable-devtool
- Add new themes to
and changecurrent_theme = <name>
- On Manjaro, be sure to run
- wal_steam - A little script that themes the colours for Metro for steam from wal or wpg.
- telegram-palette-gen - A bash script that generates themes for Telegram based on an arbitrary 16-colors palette or by sourcing the colors generated by pywal/wal.
- userChrome.css
- Pywalfox - sync
colors to Firefox
- Plugins
- terminal based editor- Vundle - plugin manager for
plugins- colorizer - colorizes text in the form
- ctrlp - fuzzy finder for
- goyo - add margins on all sides of text to increase focus
- i3config - syntax highlighting for i3 config files
- nerdtree - tree file explorer in
- syntastic - syntax checking plugin
- tabular - text alignment tool
- UltiSnips - UltiSnips is the ultimate solution for snippets in Vim. It has many features, speed being one of them.
- vim-eunuch - use UNIX commands from
- vim-illuminate - highlight all occurences of a word
- vim-markdown - syntax highlighting for Markdown
- vim-medieval - Evaluate Markdown code blocks within Vim
- vim-orgmode - Text outlining and task management for Vim based on Emacs' Org-Mode
- vim-surround - tools to help surround things with parentheses, quotes, tags, etc.
- vim-visual-multi - Multiple cursors plugin for vim/neovim
- vimtex
- vimwiki - a personal wiki for Vim -- a number of linked text files that have their own syntax highlighting.
- wal - use
colorscheme forvim
- colorizer - colorizes text in the form
- Vivify - Color scheme editor
- neofetch
- thefuck - like autocorrect for terminal commands (also, you can change the keyword to something other than the f-bomb 😄)
oh-my-zsh - Framework for the
shell that easily enables different themes and plugins -
- colored-man-pages - Add color to the man pages
- fzf - Fuzzy finder, helps locate files, processes, commands, etc.
- git - Adds a lot of nice Git aliases and a few custom commands
- vi-mode - Use vi-like commands in
- zsh-autosuggestions - Auto suggest commands based on history
- zsh-syntax-highlighting - Highlight syntax on the command line
- Gogh - Collection of terminal color schemes
- Terminal.sexy - Tool to create terminal color schemes
- Useful for adding blur/transparency, drop shadow, and more.
- See my config for more examples
- Use the
fork on AUR to get blur working.
- Use
on i3. Source
- Pywal - Tool that generates color schemes (for X, i3, etc.) from wallpapers
- Pywalfox - syncs
color scheme to Firefox
- Pywalfox - syncs
- You can edit
to change settings for X, most notablyurxvt
(in my case)
- rofi - minimal window switcher and program launcher
rofi-printers - Small bash script to wrap printings aliases with rofi