mixRSVP mixture models temporal errors in reports of an item from an array or a stream, presently using a mixture model of uniform and Gaussian distributions. Here is an explanation of what the hell that means.
install_packages('devtools') #if you don't have devtools already
Fit some of one of the provided datasets and plot the histogram of serial position errors together with the fitted curve.
df <- subset(P2E2pilot, subject=="CB" & target==1 & condition==1)
plot_hist_with_fit(df, -11, 11, df$targetSP, 16, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE)
Type ?mixRSVP
and look at the vignettes that show examples of what you can do.
Patrick Goodbourn programmed mixture modeling of RSVP serial position errors in MATLAB. Certifiedwaif did initial port of this to R, largely using automated code translation, and then Alex functionfied and improved things before making it into this package.