React and Redux, Webpack 2 boilerplate.
Boilerplate for kicking off React/Redux applications.
It includes complete, minimal react app.
In short:
- components (both container/views and regular ones)
- routes
- reducers (redux)
- actions (both sync and async),
- SASS (with autoprefixer)1
- dummy API
- using assets (in CSS and components)
- imports relative to the app root
$ npm install
$ npm start
Visit http://localhost:3000/
from your browser of choice.
Server is visible from the local network as well.
Running it with webpack dashboard
$ npm run dev
Build will be placed in the build
$ npm run build
This command will start webpack dev server, but with NODE_ENV
set to production
Everything will be minified and served.
Hot reload will not work, so you need to refresh the page manually after changing the code.
npm run preview
For linting I'm using eslint-config-airbnb, but some options are overridden to my personal preferences.
$ npm run lint
Linting pre-push hook is not enabled by default. It will prevent the push if lint task fails, but you need to add it manually by running:
npm run hook-add
To remove it, run this task:
npm run hook-remove
Add SVG icons to source/assets/icons
folder, and they will automatically be added to SVG sprite.
import Icon from 'components/Global/Icon';
<Icon glyph='triangle' />
Available props
glyph // required, name of the SVG icon
className // optional, additional CSS class, default ones are `Icon Icon--iconName`
width // optional, default 24
height // optional, default 24
style // optional, CSS style object