Welcome to the boa-restrictor - a custom Python linter from Ambient
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- GitHub
- Full documentation
- Creator & Maintainer: Ambient Digital
This rule enforces that functions and methods don't contain any positional arguments.
This will make refactorings easier, is more explicit, and you avoid the boolean bug trap.
def my_func(a, b):
def my_func(*, a, b):
This rule will enforce that you add a return type-hint to all methods and functions that contain a return
This way we can be more explicit and let the IDE help the next developer because it will add warnings if you use
wrong types.
def my_func(a, b):
return a * b
def my_func(a, b) -> int:
return a * b
This rule will enforce that you never import a datetime object from the datetime module, but instead import the datetime module and get the object from there.
Since you can't distinguish in the code between a datetime
module and datetime
object without looking at the
imports, this leads to inconsistent and unclear code.
Importing the date
object can cause a namespace conflict with the Django template tag date
, therefore this is not
allowed as well.
from datetime import datetime
my_datetime = datetime(2024, 9, 19)
import datetime
my_datetime = datetime.datetime(2024, 9, 19)
Note, that other imports from the datetime
module like UTC
are allowed since there are no known conflicts.
This rule will enforce that you use the kw_only
parameter in every dataclass decorator.
This will force the developer to set all dataclass attributes as kwargs instead of args, which is more explicit and easier to refactor.
from dataclasses import dataclass
class MyDataClass:
from dataclasses import dataclass
class MyDataClass:
Add the following to your .pre-commit-config.yaml file:
- repo: https://github.com/ambient-innovation/boa-restrictor
rev: v1.2.1
- id: boa-restrictor
args: [ --config=pyproject.toml ]
Now you can run the linter manually:
pre-commit run --all-files boa-restrictor
You can easily exclude certain files, for example, your tests, by using the exclude
parameter from pre-commit
- repo: https://github.com/ambient-innovation/boa-restrictor
rev: v1.2.1
- id: boa-restrictor
exclude: |
You can disable any rule in your pyproject.toml
file as follows:
exclude = [
You can disable rules on a per-file-basis in your pyproject.toml
file as follows:
"*/tests/*" = [
"scripts/*" = [
Take care that the path is relative to the location of your pyproject.toml. This means that example two targets all
files living in a scripts/
directory on the projects top level.
If you are using ruff
, you need to tell it about our linting rules. Otherwise, ruff will remove all # noqa
statements from your codebase.
# Avoiding flagging (and removing) any codes starting with `PBR` from any
# `# noqa` directives, despite Ruff's lack of support for `boa-restrictor`.
external = ["PBR"]
- Create a Python virtualenv and activate it
- Install "pip-tools" with
pip install -U pip-tools
- Compile the requirements with
pip-compile --extra dev, -o requirements.txt pyproject.toml --resolver=backtracking
- Sync the dependencies with your virtualenv with
- Create a new branch for your feature
- Change the dependency in your requirements.txt to a local (editable) one that points to your local file system:
-e /Users/workspace/boa-restrictor
or via pippip install -e /Users/workspace/boa-restrictor
- Ensure the code passes the tests
- Create a pull request
Run tests
pytest --ds settings tests
Check coverage
coverage run -m pytest tests coverage report -m
We use pre-push hooks to ensure that only linted code reaches our remote repository and pipelines aren't triggered in vain.
To enable the configured pre-push hooks, you need to install pre-commit and run once:
pre-commit install -t pre-push -t pre-commit --install-hooks
This will permanently install the git hooks for both, frontend and backend, in your local
The hooks are configured in the .pre-commit-config.yaml
You can check whether hooks work as intended using the run command:
pre-commit run [hook-id] [options]
Example: run single hook
pre-commit run ruff --all-files --hook-stage push
Example: run all hooks of pre-push stage
pre-commit run --all-files --hook-stage push
- To build the documentation, run:
sphinx-build docs/ docs/_build/html/
. - Open
to see the documentation.
- Fetch the latest changes in GitHub mirror and push them
- Trigger new build at ReadTheDocs.io (follow instructions in admin panel at RTD) if the GitHub webhook is not yet set up.
Update documentation about new/changed functionality
Update the
Increment version in main
Create pull request / merge to main
This project uses the flit package to publish to PyPI. Thus, publishing should be as easy as running:
flit publish
To publish to TestPyPI use the following to ensure that you have set up your .pypirc as shown here and use the following command:
flit publish --repository testpypi
To be able to use the latest version in pre-commit, you have to create a git tag for the current commit. So please tag your commit and push it to GitHub.
Please note that this package supports the ambient-package-update.
So you don't have to worry about the maintenance of this package. This updater is rendering all important
configuration and setup files. It works similar to well-known updaters like pyupgrade
or django-upgrade
To run an update, refer to the documentation page of the "ambient-package-update".