Budget Blaster was a little web based game experiment that was done during the Scott Walker collective bargaining dispute and recall election in 2012.
Budget Blaster explored the presentation of a number of educational elements including:
The game explored a way to present the issues involved in the dispute in an engaging way.
The game provided a way learn about our democratic legislators.
The game presented actual financial data about compaign contributions in a way where this is incorporated into the game play.
This Javascript presented an opportunity to explore the following technical features:
The layered backgrounds used parallax scrolling for a 3D motion effect.
All graphics in this game were drawn by me, then digitized and converted to vector game graphics using Adobe Illustrator.
Distributed under the MIT license which allows urestricted use of the software. See LICENSE.txt for more information.
Abe Megahed - (mailto:amegahed@wisc.edu) - email