Full Stack Shopping Web Application with React 18 web application with Java 21, Spring Boot 3.3 and Mysql implemented according to Hexagonal architecture.
- JDK 21 - Core language
- Spring Boot 3.3 - Java Framework
- Maven - Build tool
- Junit5 - Unit Testing
- Mockito - Mocking objects while Unit testing
- AssertJ - Simple assertion style while Unit testing
- Lombok - Auto generates boilerplate code for POJOs
- Hibernate/Spring Data JPA - Persistence Implementation Framework
- MySql - Database
- TestContainers - A framework that allows us to launch a MySQL database as a Docker container from tests.
- Docker - To run MySQL and Sonar as containers. Just install Docker Desktop and done
- Jacoco - To analyze code coverage
- SonarQube - To analyze and report bugs and issues
- Spotless - To analyze and format the code
- Static Code Analysis - By SpotBugs, PMD, Google Checkstyle (If using Sonar then not req as most of the rules are now part of Sonar)
- Slf4j/CustomLog - Slf4j Logging support using Lombok CustomLog
- Swagger - OpenAPI which is the version 3 implementation for Spring Boot 3.x
- React 18 - JSX Framework
- React Router - Navigation
- Vite JS - React development Server
- SWC - Speedy Web Compiler
- Bootstrap 5 - CSS
- Axios - Rest API Calls
- FontAwesome - SVG Icons
- HTTP Client - Required to run sample http commands from document/sample-requests.http (Step 1,2)
- JUnit
- Lombok
- Spring DATA
- Tomcat
- Jakarta EE - Application server
- Vite
Alistair Cockburn introduced the hexagonal software architecture as follows
- All non-technical business logic must reside in Application core and must be invoked by User, External application or automated Tests without any difference.
- All communication to the Application core from external entities say User, Database or Test suite must happen through Ports (Interfaces).
- An Adapter is like a middleman who will control the communication between External entities and Application core via Ports.
The application mimics a simplified online store with following functionalities:
- Add, Remove and Edit Products
- Product search
- Adding a product to the shopping cart
- Retrieving the shopping cart with the products, their respective quantity, and the total price
- Incrementing, Decrementing or removing an Item from Cart
- Emptying the shopping cart
- The amount of a product added to the cart must be at least one.
- After adding a product, the total quantity of this product in the cart must not exceed the amount of the product available in the warehouse or 10 which ever is smaller.
- After emptying the Cart there should be no products available in the Cart.
- We can not remove a Product if it is present in any Cart.
The source code has four modules:
- It contains the domain modelsapplication
- It contains the domain services and the portsadapter
- It contains the adapters like REST, In-memory and JPAboostrap
- It contains the configuration and bootstrapping logic like instantiating adapters/domain services and running Undertow web server
The following diagram shows the final hexagonal architecture of the application along with the source code modules.
Hexagonal Architecture modules (www.happycoders.eu)
- @RequiredArgsConstructor - Generates constructor that take one argument per final / non-nullfield
- @AllArgsConstructor - Generates constructor that take one argument for every field.
- @Data - A shortcut for @ToString, @EqualsAndHashCode, @Getter on all fields, and @Setter on all non-final fields, and @RequiredArgsConstructor!
- @Accessors
- fluent – A boolean. If true, the getter for pepper is just pepper(), and the setter is pepper(T newValue). Furthermore, unless specified, chain defaults to true. Default: false.
- chain – A boolean. If true, generated setters return this instead of void. Default: false, unless fluent=true, then Default: true.
- @Getter/@Setter - Generates getter/setter methods for the fields
- @ToString - Generates a toString method for the class
- @EqualsAndHashCode - Generates hashCode and equals implementations from the fields of your object
- @CustomLog - Generates Custom Logger object for the class based on Logging library as defined in lombok.config file
lombok.log.custom.declaration = org.slf4j.Logger org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(NAME)(TOPIC)
- Build and run the Bootstrap.war in Tomcat
- Spring Boot Profile - Use the Spring boot profile mysql while running the app. Default is inmemory
- Based on the System property value of 'persistence' key ('inmemory'/'mysql') we can run the application with
- InMemory DB - Data will persist till the application is running
- MySql DB - We can either run a local MySql server (DB-shop, Root Pwd-test) or run a Docker container
docker run --name hexagon-mysql -d -p3306:3306 -e MYSQL_DATABASE=shop -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=test mysql:8.1
- You can invoke HTTP commands from 'documents/sample-requests.http' directly from Intellij
- Go to shop-frontend folder and run node server
cd shop-frontend
npm run dev
- Spotless - run mvn spotless:apply to auto reformat the code if there is any issue during build
- Static code analysis - For Static code analysis with Spotbugs, PMD and Google Check style run
mvn clean verify -Dspring.profiles.active=code-inspection -DskipTests=true
- As per May 2024, Sonar supports up to JDK17 with some issues with ElasticSearch.
- So if you have any latest version of JDK installed then please install JDK 17 separately.
- Create an Environment variable to point to the Java executable file of JDK17 i.e.
SONAR_JAVA_PATH = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17.0.1\bin\java.exe (Windows)
- And run the StartSonar.bat
- Please refer the https://docs.sonarsource.com/sonarqube/latest/try-out-sonarqube/ page for latest steps
- If Docker is already installed on your system (as part of MySql TestContainers step)
- Then just execute the following line and you are all set
docker run -d --name sonarqube -e SONAR_ES_BOOTSTRAP_CHECKS_DISABLE=true -p 9000:9000 sonarqube:latest
mvn -Dsonar.projectKey=<<PROJECT_KEY>> -Dsonar.projectName='<<PROJECT_NAME>>' -Dsonar.host.url=http://localhost:9000
-Dsonar.token=<<TOKEN_VALUE>> clean verify sonar:sonar
- Swagger UI - http://localhost:8080/shop/swagger-ui/index.html
- Client Docs - http://localhost:8080/shop/v3/api-docs