This repository contains code and instructions to reproduce the numerical experiments reported in the article
Monolithic Convex Limiting for Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto Discontinuous Galerkin Spectral Element Methods
The results were obtained using Julia v1.8.3 and this version of Trixi.jl. When this reproducibility repository was last updated, the implementation of FCT and MCL was not yet merged into the main Trixi.jl repository.
To run the examples, follow the instructions:
- Move to this directory and clone the Benjamin's fork of Trixi.jl repository:
git clone
- Move to the Trixi.jl folder and change to the branch where MCL is implemented:
cd Trixi.jl git checkout 09f4dd7
- Install all the dependencies of Trixi.jl:
cd Trixi.jl julia --project=@. -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()' # Install Trixi's dependencies julia -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.add(["Trixi2Vtk", "Plots"])' # Install postprocessing tools julia -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.add("OrdinaryDiffEq")' # Install time integration schemes
- Run the individual examples using julia, e.g.,
julia --check-bounds=no --threads=10 -e 'include(joinpath("..", "astrojet", "mcl_densityforall_pressureKuzminExact_cfl0.9_entropy_sequential", "elixir.jl"))'
- The simulation files will be stored in separate output folders. To visualize with paraview use Trixi2Vtk, e.g.,:
julia --check-bounds=no --threads=10 -e 'using Trixi2Vtk ; trixi2vtk(joinpath("..", "astrojet", "mcl_densityforall_pressureKuzminExact_cfl0.9_entropy_sequential", "out87381", "solution_010284.h5"), output_directory="out")'
- To visualize the limiting factor fields, you will need to use this version of Trixi2Vtk.