A simple Python program that gives 16 different hashing options for files and text.
- Files must be located with the drive path. For example: "C:\Users\anguianoewi\Downloads\hashgenerator\hashSource\mainProgram.py"
- The file is converted into a hash after selecting hash method
- Text is typed into the program.
- The user then has to option to remove accidental trailing space.
- The text is converted into a hash after selecting hash method.
There are sixteen hash methods available.
One hash method or multiple can be used at once. simply type them in at once.
The program does this by taking the input "md5 sha1 sha224sha 256 sha 384 sha 5 1 2 s h a k e 1 2 8 "
and removing spaces to make "md5sha1sha224sha256sha384sha512shake128"
then checking if the hash is in the text, such as 'md5' is in the string so MD5 hash will run
MD5 | SHA 384 | SHA3 384
SHA-1 | SHA 512 | SHA3 512
SHA 224 | SHA3 224 | SHAKE 128 (64-bit output and 128-bit output)
SHA 256 | SHA3 256 | SHAKE 256 (64-bit output and 256-bit output)
All sixteen work correctly and refresh every time its function is used.
The hash modules are inside the /hashFiles folder and are designed to be truly modular and reuseable
Each hash module has two functions. The "f" function is called forth for file hashes. The "s" function is called forth for string hashes.
A prompt to save to a file appears before selecting a hash method for both strings and files. The file is saved to the source folder appended by an associating number.
For example, if Saved Hash File 1 exists, then the append is increased to 2, resulting in Saved Hash File 2, and keeps going until a file doesn't exist and can be created
- Add a progress update (This is very hard to do at the moment)
Can be found at www.github.com/anguianoewi/hashgeneratorOld