Euler-Maruyama function for Solving Stochastic Differential Equations using Numerical Integration of Ito integrals
This a MATLAB function for solving stochastic differential equations using Euler-Maruyama integration. Initially written as part of structural reliability class of STG Ragukhanth, IIT Madras. Later reviced and uploaded to GitHub on 1st October 2017.
Anis Mohammed Vengasseri
Description of Function
Function inputs are,
- time - a vector stores time
- X0 - A vector that stores initial condition
- A - Stochastic Differential Coefficients, see equation (1)
- G - Stochastic Differential Coefficients, see equation (1)
- figure_on - >0 will display input and output figures
stochastic differential equation of the form $$ dX = A(X_t) dt + G(X_t) dW $$
Example 1:
Solution of SDoF subjected to white noise.
Second moment of displacement are,