Repo containing resources for getting started with programming in the python language, including environment set up and hello world lessons.
note: currently the dev setup instructions only offer instructions for setup on a mac-os system. I am hoping to add additional instructions for other systems eventually but this is my starting point.
Directory containing containing instructions, links, and resources for getting a basic development environment set up. Includes instructions for installing tools and editors, as well as the instructions for getting this repo forked and cloned onto a local machine.
Directory containing the instructions for getting familiarized with using git as a tool for version control while developing. The "lesson" provides an overview of different commands, what they mean, and how they work. This directory also includes an exercise for practicing committing and creating a pull request.
This Directory contains instructions for creating a basic hello world script using python. The instructions will also include links for information on the python language.
This directory contains some exercises to introduce the types built into the python language. This provides a lot of the foundational knowledge which can be used to create more complex programs.
This directory contains exercises involving loops in python.
This directory contains exercises for working with if statements in python.
This directory contains exercises for introducing the concept of an algorithm and aims to provide an overview of how computers use algorithms to function.