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Knockout Material Components

Knockout Material Components (MDC-Knockout) help Knockout developers execute Material Design. This project is built on top of the Google's MDC-Web components and allows to use them on the Knockout enabled websites in a pretty, concise manner.

There are two different ways to use Knockout Material Components:

  • HTML-only, when Knockout is used only to generate MDC-Web compatible HTML structure
  • Fully featured, when Knockout bindings are used to link data to the UI

Either way, the development will be faster (as required markup is shorter) and free of error-prone copy pasting. Besides, the bindings that can be used with MDC-Knockout are not limited only to the standard ones, so it's easy to plug these components in any existing Knockout project.


Quick start

MDC-Knockout doesn't come bundled with Knockout itself, so make sure to include v3.2+ in your pages.

Also, MDC-Web CSS is required.

Finally, from this repository download /dist/mdc-knockout.min.js and place it on your server, e.g in /static/js/mdc-knockout.min.js.

Then write some HTML and don't forget to run ko.applyBindings() at the closing <script> tag.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Knockout Material Components Demo</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet"
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src="/static/js/mdc-knockout.min.js"></script>

      <mdc-checkbox id="checkbox" checked></mdc-checkbox>
      This is awesome

    <script type="text/javascript">

Please refer to documentation for a comprehensive list of the components and usage examples.

Building from source

dist folder usually contains the latest version of the components. In case you need to make some adjustments to the code, take the following steps:

  1. Setup this repo:
git clone && cd mdc-knockout
npm i
  1. Run the dev server with demos:
npm run dev

Open http://localhost:8080/demo/ in a browser to see a list of demos.

The dev server will automatically reload component's demo page whenever files in the src folder have been edited, but it will not take any action if only demo/*.html was changed.

  1. Build and update files in the dist folder:
npm run dist

Note: Demo pages refer to <script src="../dist/mdc-knockout.js"></script>. If you're running the dev server, this script is stored in the memory and updated on the fly every time when any file from src folder is edited. You also can open demo/*.html from the file system, without running a dev server, in this case the actual dist/mdc-knockout.js will be used, and no on the fly updates will be available.


# Unit + integration tests + coverage report, single-run
npm run test

# Unit tests only, single-run
npm run test:unit

# Integration tests only, single-run
npm run test:integration

# Test debugging, watch-mode
npm run test:watch

# Run a certain test suite, watch-mode
npm run test:watch -- --suite "button class"

Karma will run tests using a headless Chrome. In the watch mode, a webserver will run on localhost:9876 allowing to use any other additional browser.