Welcome to anusky's OMDB Movie Gallery
- React Js
- NextJS
- TailwindCSS for styling
- localStorage for storing user data
- swr for caching requests and avoid unnecessary re-renders
- Jest
- React Testing Library from Kent.C Dodds
- node-mocks-http
- Cypress
- Cypress Testing Library from Kent.C Dodds
In order to ensure all tests are passing before accepting a PR a github action workflow has been set up.
First, install all dependencies with:
yarn install
To have an end user experience is better to work with the built version. I have left in package a command that will build and run automatically the application.
yarn deploy:local
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
You can find this application deployed under Netlify. Open https://omdb-gallery.netlify.app/ with your browser to see it.
- Search for movies
- Search can start with just 2 letters
- Search is autocomplete
- The result is using pagination
- Please follow the design layout as above using styling
- Click on the selected movie from the list and see movie details
- Each movie will have details, poster, and add to fav. Button
- Fav. Button will add a move to your favourites list
- User can see list of previously added movies
- Remove given movie from favourites
- Undo his remove action Please store your favourite movie list in a simple NodeJS server (you create) or local storage.
SEO Meta Tags
Autocomplete selector interactive through keyboard
Viewed list
wai-aria tags
Add JSDocs to engage with Github Documentation
Storybooks in order to atomize and customize all components so they can be re-used
Cypress responsive tests for other devices than Desktop (XL)