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UninterpretedConstOracle refactor (#2734)
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* UninterpretedConstOracle

* Reduced # of tests for CI

* solver reuse

* Suggestion by Thomas
  • Loading branch information
Kukovec authored Oct 19, 2023
1 parent 9d7a760 commit 2c336c1
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@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
package at.forsyte.apalache.tla.bmcmt.stratifiedRules.aux.oracles

import at.forsyte.apalache.tla.bmcmt._
import at.forsyte.apalache.tla.bmcmt.smt.SolverContext
import at.forsyte.apalache.tla.bmcmt.stratifiedRules.aux.caches.UninterpretedLiteralCache
import at.forsyte.apalache.tla.bmcmt.stratifiedRules.{Rewriter, RewriterScope}
import at.forsyte.apalache.tla.bmcmt.types.CellT
import at.forsyte.apalache.tla.lir.ConstT1
import at.forsyte.apalache.tla.typecomp.TBuilderInstruction
import at.forsyte.apalache.tla.types.tla

* An oracle that uses a fixed collection of potential cells.
* The oracle value must be equal to one of the cells, if the collection is nonempty.
* @author
* Jure Kukovec
class UninterpretedConstOracle(val valueCells: Seq[ArenaCell], val oracleCell: ArenaCell) extends Oracle {

* The number of values that this oracle is defined over: |valueCells|
override def size: Int = valueCells.size

override def chosenValueIsEqualToIndexedValue(scope: RewriterScope, index: BigInt): TBuilderInstruction =
if (valueCells.indices.contains(index)) tla.eql(oracleCell.toBuilder, valueCells(index.toInt).toBuilder)
else tla.bool(false)

def getIndexOfChosenValueFromModel(solverContext: SolverContext): BigInt =
// the oracle must be equal to one of the values. If not, indexWhere returns -1
valueCells.indexWhere { valueCell =>
val eq = tla.eql(valueCell.toBuilder, oracleCell.toBuilder)
solverContext.evalGroundExpr(eq) == tla.bool(true).build

object UninterpretedConstOracle {

* Designated type to be used in this oracle.
val UNINTERPRETED_TYPE: ConstT1 = ConstT1("_ORA")

def create(
rewriter: Rewriter,
cache: UninterpretedLiteralCache,
scope: RewriterScope,
nvalues: Int): (RewriterScope, UninterpretedConstOracle) = {
require(nvalues >= 0, "UninterpretedConstOracle must have a non-negative number of candidate values.")
val (newArena, valueCells) =
0.until(nvalues).map(_.toString).foldLeft((scope.arena, Seq.empty[ArenaCell])) { case ((arena, cells), name) =>
val (newArena, newCell) = cache.getOrCreate(arena, (UNINTERPRETED_TYPE, name))
(newArena, cells :+ newCell)
val arenaWithCell = newArena.appendCell(CellT.fromType1(UNINTERPRETED_TYPE))
val newScope = scope.copy(arena = arenaWithCell)
val oracleCell = arenaWithCell.topCell
val oracle = new UninterpretedConstOracle(valueCells, oracleCell)

// the oracle value must be equal to one of the value cells, if there are any
if (nvalues > 0)
rewriter.assert(tla.or(0.until(nvalues).map(i => oracle.chosenValueIsEqualToIndexedValue(newScope, i)): _*))
(newScope, oracle)
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Expand Up @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class TestIntOracle extends AnyFunSuite with BeforeAndAfterEach with Checkers {
check(prop, minSuccessful(100), sizeRange(4))

test("oracleValueIsEqualToIndexedValue returns an integer comparison") {
test("chosenValueIsEqualToIndexedValue returns an integer comparison") {
val prop =
forAll(maxSizeAndIndexGen) { case (size, index) =>
val (scope, oracle) = IntOracle.create(initScope, size)
Expand Down
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@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
package at.forsyte.apalache.tla.bmcmt.stratifiedRules.aux.oracles

import at.forsyte.apalache.tla.bmcmt.PureArena
import at.forsyte.apalache.tla.bmcmt.arena.PureArenaAdapter
import at.forsyte.apalache.tla.bmcmt.smt.{SolverConfig, Z3SolverContext}
import at.forsyte.apalache.tla.bmcmt.stratifiedRules.aux.caches.UninterpretedLiteralCache
import at.forsyte.apalache.tla.bmcmt.stratifiedRules.{Rewriter, RewriterScope, TestingRewriter}
import at.forsyte.apalache.tla.lir._
import at.forsyte.apalache.tla.lir.oper.TlaOper
import at.forsyte.apalache.tla.typecomp.TBuilderInstruction
import at.forsyte.apalache.tla.types.tla
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll
import org.scalacheck.{Gen, Prop}
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterEach
import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite
import org.scalatestplus.junit.JUnitRunner
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.Checkers

class TestUninterpretedConstOracle extends AnyFunSuite with BeforeAndAfterEach with Checkers {

var rewriter: Rewriter = TestingRewriter(Map.empty)
var cache: UninterpretedLiteralCache = new UninterpretedLiteralCache
var initScope: RewriterScope = RewriterScope.initial()

override def beforeEach(): Unit = {
rewriter = TestingRewriter(Map.empty)
cache = new UninterpretedLiteralCache
initScope = RewriterScope.initial()

val intGen: Gen[Int] = Gen.choose(-10, 10)
val nonNegIntGen: Gen[Int] = Gen.choose(0, 10)

val maxSizeAndIndexGen: Gen[(Int, Int)] = for {
max <- Gen.choose(1, 10) // size 0 is degenerate
idx <- Gen.choose(0, max - 1) // index must be <
} yield (max, idx)

test("Oracle cannot be constructed with negative size") {
val prop =
forAll(intGen) {
case i if i < 0 =>
Prop.throws(classOf[IllegalArgumentException]) {
UninterpretedConstOracle.create(rewriter, cache, initScope, i)
case i => UninterpretedConstOracle.create(rewriter, cache, initScope, i)._2.size == i

check(prop, minSuccessful(100), sizeRange(4))

test("chosenValueIsEqualToIndexedValue returns an equality, or shorthands") {
val prop =
forAll(, intGen)) { case (size, index) =>
val (scope, oracle) = UninterpretedConstOracle.create(rewriter, cache, initScope, size)
val cmp: TlaEx = oracle.chosenValueIsEqualToIndexedValue(scope, index)
if (index < 0 || index >= size)
cmp == tla.bool(false).build
cmp match {
case OperEx(TlaOper.eq, NameEx(name1), NameEx(name2)) =>
name1 == oracle.oracleCell.toString && name2 == oracle.valueCells(index).toString
case _ => false

check(prop, minSuccessful(200), sizeRange(4))

val (assertionsA, assertionsB): (Seq[TBuilderInstruction], Seq[TBuilderInstruction]) = 0
.map { i =>
("A$i", BoolT1),"B$i", BoolT1))

test("caseAssertions requires assertion sequences of equal length") {
val assertionsGen: Gen[(Seq[TBuilderInstruction], Option[Seq[TBuilderInstruction]])] = for {
i <- Gen.choose(0, assertionsA.size)
j <- Gen.choose(0, assertionsB.size)
opt <- Gen.option(Gen.const(assertionsB.take(j)))
} yield (assertionsA.take(i), opt)

val prop =
forAll(, assertionsGen)) { case (size, (assertionsIfTrue, assertionsIfFalseOpt)) =>
val (scope, oracle) = UninterpretedConstOracle.create(rewriter, cache, initScope, size)
if (assertionsIfTrue.size != oracle.size || assertionsIfFalseOpt.exists { _.size != oracle.size })
Prop.throws(classOf[IllegalArgumentException]) {
oracle.caseAssertions(scope, assertionsIfTrue, assertionsIfFalseOpt)
else true

check(prop, minSuccessful(200), sizeRange(4))

test("caseAssertions constructs a collection of ITEs, or shorthands") {
val gen: Gen[(Int, Seq[TBuilderInstruction], Option[Seq[TBuilderInstruction]])] = for {
size <- nonNegIntGen
opt <- Gen.option(Gen.const(assertionsB.take(size)))
} yield (size, assertionsA.take(size), opt)

val prop =
forAll(gen) { case (size, assertionsIfTrue, assertionsIfFalseOpt) =>
val (scope, oracle) = UninterpretedConstOracle.create(rewriter, cache, initScope, size)
val caseEx: TlaEx = oracle.caseAssertions(scope, assertionsIfTrue, assertionsIfFalseOpt)
size match {
case 0 =>
caseEx == PureArena.cellTrue(scope.arena)
case 1 =>
caseEx ==
case _ =>
assertionsIfFalseOpt match {
case None =>
val ites = { case (a, c) =>
tla.ite(tla.eql(oracle.oracleCell.toBuilder, c.toBuilder), a, tla.bool(true))
caseEx == tla.and(ites: _*).build
case Some(assertionsIfFalse) =>
val ites = { case ((at, af), c) =>
tla.ite(tla.eql(oracle.oracleCell.toBuilder, c.toBuilder), at, af)
caseEx == tla.and(ites: _*).build

check(prop, minSuccessful(200), sizeRange(4))

// We cannot test getIndexOfChosenValueFromModel without running the solver
// Ignored until we figure out why it's killing GH CLI
ignore("getIndexOfChosenValueFromModel recovers the index correctly for nonempty cell collection") {
val ctx = new Z3SolverContext(SolverConfig.default)
val paa = PureArenaAdapter.create(ctx) // We use PAA, since it performs the basic context initialization
initScope = initScope.copy(arena = paa.arena)
val prop =
forAll(maxSizeAndIndexGen) { case (size, index) =>
cache.dispose() // prevent redeclarations in every loop
val (scope, oracle) = UninterpretedConstOracle.create(rewriter, cache, initScope, size)
val eql = oracle.chosenValueIsEqualToIndexedValue(scope, index)
val ret = oracle.getIndexOfChosenValueFromModel(ctx) == index

// 1000 is too many, since each run invokes the solver
check(prop, minSuccessful(80), sizeRange(4))

test("getIndexOfChosenValueFromModel recovers the index correctly for empty collections") {
val ctx = new Z3SolverContext(SolverConfig.default)
val paa = PureArenaAdapter.create(ctx) // We use PAA, since it performs the basic context initialization
val (_, oracle) = UninterpretedConstOracle.create(rewriter, cache, initScope.copy(arena = paa.arena), 0)
assert(oracle.getIndexOfChosenValueFromModel(ctx) == -1)


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