Arduino driven mechanical video slider.
- Auto calibration
- Simple oscillation between each end
- Single direction movement towards the end
- Speed control
The code is controlled by a basic state machine, paired with global application state and event triggers. When powered on, the system enters the CalibratingFindLeft state.
Each button produces buttonDown and buttonUp events as they are pressed and released.
These are the main state transitions:
- main buttonUp -> OscillatingLeft
- left buttonUp -> MoveLeft
- right buttonUp -> MoveRight
- position at left side -> OscillatingRight
- main buttonDown -> Stopped
- position at right side -> OscillatingLeft
- main buttonDown -> Stopped
- position at left side -> Stopped
- position at right side -> Stopped
- left buttonDown -> CalibratingFindRight
(record "0" point)
- right buttonDown -> CalibratingReset
(record slider length)
- position past center -> Stopped
In most cases, when in motion buttonDown events on the direction of motion's switch automatically adjust the internal calibration. There are a few other event handling checks to safeguard against unexpected behavior.
These two DIY slider designs contributed heavily towards ours.