1.0.4 Release
This update includes several stability improvements and an auto-update detector:
- The toolkit will check updates from Github releases when executing every command
- Fix crash problems when Linux and Mac users have empty folder for recording and screenshots
- Improve stability when finding related drivers for Mac/Linux users
- Add crash reporting mechanism
- 增加了在非帮助命令时访问github release界面获取最新版本代码的功能,并且在最新版本大于当前版本时提示更新
- 修复了linux和mac用户在进行record和take screenshot时无法找到资源文件导致程序奔溃的问题
- 修复了linux和mac用户使用一些功能是遇到无法找到驱动程序的崩溃问题
- 增加了崩溃报告机制