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Repository files navigation


  • Usable with jQuery or Zepto
  • Support for history
  • usable with bootstrap
  • printable


npm install
make build


  • jqTabs::seek(index) - seeks to a tab, index 0-based
  • jqTabs::next() - go to next tab
  • jqTabs::previous() - go to previous tab
  • jqTabs::on(event, callback) - add a callback to a tab.
    • event : event in the form of:
      • 'beforeChange:#{id}' : before the tab changes to tab #id
      • 'beforeChange' : before jqTabs changes to any tab
      • 'change:#{id}' : after the tab changes to tab #id
      • 'change' : after jqTabs changes to any tab
    • callback : the callback function, if a 'beforeChange' callback returns false, the tab won't change
  • jqTabs::off(event, [callback]) - remove callback from tab. if callback is omitted, all callbacks will be removed


  • activeClass - class to be added to the active Tab, default: 'active'
  • hiddenClass - class to be added to a hidden tab
  • useHistory - use the history, needs hasher and js-signals, default: true, if hasher isn't included it is set to false regardless of what was set in the options
  • tabsClickable - set to false, if you don't want the tabs in the tabbar to be clickable
  • events - object of form { 'change': function(){} }. Used to set callbacks, that will be executed as soon as the page is loaded


Simple example

<div id="the_id">
	<ul class="tab-headers">
		<li><a href="#tab1">Tab 1</a></li>
		<li><a href="#tab2">Tab 2</a></li>
		<li><a href="#tab3">Tab 3</a></li>
		<div id="tab1">
			Content 1
		<div id="tab2">
			Content 2
		<div id="tab3">
			Content 3
<script src=""></script>
<script src="jqTabs.js"></script>
var tabs = new jqTabs($("#the_id"));
	display: none;