Hi there! Welcome to my portfolio. Here, I'll be sharing my skills and projects in the field of Computer Science.
Built with Remix, Three.js, and Framer Motion.
View the live site
Make sure you have nodejs 19.9.0
or higher and npm 9.6.3
or higher installed. Install dependencies with:
npm install
Once it's done start up a local server with:
npm run dev
## Deployment
I've set up the site using Cloudflare for hosting. Deploy the site to Cloudflare Pages:
npm run deploy
Hosting on Cloudfare Pages: This site finds its home on
Cloudfare Pages
platform, integratingCloudfare Workers
for a serverless execution environment. -
Single Page Portfolio: Designed for effortless navigation, it houses various sections, such as:
- Projects: A comprehensive display of my key projects, demonstrating my technical skills and creativity.
- Details: An in-depth profile providing insights into my background and interests. This section also includes my contact information.
- Skills & Tools: A rundown of the technologies I use, including programming languages, libraries, frameworks, and platforms.
Feel free to explore around to get a feel for my skills and projects. Navigate seamlessly through the pages using the provided navigation bar. If you find the site helpful, consider giving this repository a star to show your appreciation.
The design cues for this website were inspired by the portfolio of Hamish Walton. While the initial structure borrowed from his work, I've put my own twist on it to reflect my personal style and vision. A big shoutout to Hamish Walton for the creative spark that helped shape this presentation.