VSCode style custom dotfiles for Neovim written by Lua Script.
I highly recommend to use 'rsync' for installation.
Install with rsync
git clone https://github.com/aruyu/nvim-dotfiles.git ~/Documents/nvim-dotfiles/
Use rsync to sync the dotfiles.
rsync -avxHAXP --include={'gitconfig','.gitconfig'} --exclude={'.*','tools','LICENSE','*.md'} ~/Documents/nvim-dotfiles/* ~/.config/
Run 'install.sh' to install essentials.
bash ~/Documents/nvim-dotfiles/tools/install.sh
Direct installation
git clone https://github.com/aruyu/nvim-dotfiles.git ~/.config
Run 'install.sh' to install essentials.
bash ~/.config/tools/install.sh
Type one of belows.
- Arch
- Ubuntu
- Mac
- Git (set gitcommit templete for optional)
- Font ('JetBrainsMono NerdFont' fonts installation)
Restart Neovim twice for Bootstraping Packer.
NOTE: If you have some problems with 'nvim-treesitter', you should update 'nvim-treesitter' with