Java Application to create secret santa matches
- Ensure that you have gradle and java in your build path
- From the root of the project run gradle eclipse
- Import the folder in eclipse
- Ensure that and are present in the project root
- From the project root, run gradle run
- The application needs a list of participants, the comma separated participants lists is expected to be present in a .properties file, under the keyname participants
- The participants file can also be specified from command line.
- If no command line argument is passed it looks for a file in the root folder
- This is currently in progress, but the way things are written SMTP configuration is expected in
- Logging is broken
- JUnits are not written
- Updating read me with steps to invoke the matcher from the distribution files,,,
mailText=Your match is %s
subject=Secret Santa is Here!
I have multifactor enabled for my google account, and also by default gmail does not let you send mail with your regular login credentials. So i generated an application password from gmail account settings. At the time of writing this document, the app password can be generated from this link
Please raise an issue :D Happy to help!