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Python HEALPix workshop

Thomas Boch edited this page Jul 2, 2018 · 28 revisions

Key infos


CDS Strasbourg is hosting a 2-day workshop on Python code and libraries for HEALPix.

HEALPix is a pixelisation of the sky that is used more and more in astronomy. There are multiple Python packages that provide HEALPix functionality (especially astropy-healpix and healpy) or use HEALPix (e.g. reproject, MOCPy, hips, Gammapy).

The goal of the workshop is to bring together HEALPix experts and Python developers to exchange knowledge, and to discuss plans and continue work on the packages mentioned above, or other Python codes on HEALPix.

Everyone is welcome. If this is of interest to you or you have any questions, please get in contact!

Tentative agenda

July 2

10:00-10:15 Coffee
10:15-10:20 Logistics
10:20-10:30 Round table
10:30-10:50 Existing Python libraries related to HEALPix
astropy_healpix (slides, package) - C. Deil
gammapy (slides, package) - C. Deil
10:50-11:20 HiPS and MOC - P. Fernique
11:20-12:00 Existing Python libraries related to HEALPix (continued)
hipspy (slides) - T. Boch
ipyaladin (slides) - T. Boch
MOCPy (slides) - M. Baumann
astroquery.cds (slides) - M. Baumann
12:00-12:30 Presentation of existing libraries in other languages
  Hipsgen - P. Fernique
CDS HEALPix Java library - FX Pineau
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 What is missing?
  • HiPS generation from Python
  • Access to HiPS original images
  • hipspy: cache management, fast cutout generation
  • ...
15:00-17:00 Hack session

July 3

09:00-12:00 TBD
12:00-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:30 Status and plans for astropy.healpix (with remote participation from T. Robitaille and L. Singer if possible)
14:30-16:00 Hack session
16:00-17:00 Summary, wrap-up and conclusion


  • Matthieu Baumann (CDS, Strasbourg)
  • Thomas Boch (CDS, Strasbourg)
  • François Bonnarel (CDS, Strasbourg) - Monday morning
  • Pierre Fernique (CDS, Strasbourg)
  • Christoph Deil (MPIK, Heidelberg)
  • Axel Donath (MPIK, Heidelberg)
  • F-X Pineau (CDS, Strasbourg)
  • André Schaaff (CDS, Strasbourg) - Monday
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