In smart Cyber-Physical Systems (sCPS), managing task planning under uncertainty is challenging due to the complex interactions between different uncertainties. The paper Automated Planning for Task-Based Cyber-Physical Systems under Interacting Sources of Uncertainty addresses two specific uncertainties: temporal availability constraints, which involve the intermittent availability of system elements, and element reliability, which relates to the probability of system element failures. We propose using genetic algorithms to incorporate these uncertainties into planning, enabling the system to adapt in real time. The method is evaluated in the contexts of electric vehicle charging and healthcare robotics.
This project tackles the challenge of task planning under conditions of uncertainty, with a specific focus on managing temporal availability constraints. These constraints involve necessary resources being available only during limited time windows. To address this, we present an approach leveraging genetic algorithms to enhance both robustness and efficiency in smart Cyber-Physical Systems (sCPS) scenarios, such as electric vehicle charging and healthcare robotics.
Two specific strategies are employed to address the problem. The first strategy utilizes linear programming techniques with constraints, specifically the MILP (Mixed-Integer Linear Programming) algorithm. This approach does not consider uncertainty. The results from the MILP algorithm will serve as a baseline for comparison in terms of quality, effectiveness, and efficiency against the results achieved by the second strategy, which employs a multi-objective genetic algorithm that does take uncertainty into account.
The project is implemented in the latest version of Python (3.12.1) and requires the installation of the following libraries for its development and execution:
- Pulp 2.7.0
- NumPy 1.26.2
- Matplotlib 3.8.2
This repository contains the following items:
: this file explaning the code of the project -
: this folder contains two filesvehicles_without_uncertainty.ypinb
: this file contains the differente versions of the algorithms that solve the vehicle charging planning problem without considering uncertainty. This is where the implementation of the MILP algorithm used as the basis for the experiments is located.vehicles_under_uncertainty.ypinb
: this file contains the differente the algorithms that solve the vehicle charging planning problem considering uncertainty. This is where the implementation of the genetic algorithm used in experiments is located.
: this folder contains the fileRobots_algorithms.ypinb
. In this file, we can find the two algorithms implemented to solve the problem of robots in the healthcare domain (The MILP algorithm that does not consider uncertainty and the genetic algorithm that does). -
: in this folder we can find the data files used to run the experiments.example_vehicle_objects.txt
: code that contains the data you can modify and add to the algoritms code to conduct experiments. You can copy and paste all the content or part of it directly in the code.vehicles.txt
: data files used to run the algorithms in some experiments. These are files external to the code.
: code used to generate the evaluation charts included in the paper. -
: code used to evaluate the correlation analysis between variables. -
: this folder contains other two folders that include the results of the executions for the algorithm tests in the two case studies.
To run the code, you need to do it within the Google Colab, Jupyter Notebook, or a similar environment. The following explains how to run algorithms in Google Colab:
Upload the File:
- Open Google Colab and create a new notebook.
- Click on the folder icon on the left to open the file panel.
- Click the "Upload" button and select your
file from your computer.
From GitHub:
- If the file is on GitHub, provide the link to the file directly in Colab. Use the following syntax:
- If the file is on GitHub, provide the link to the file directly in Colab. Use the following syntax:
Code Cells:
- Open the
file in Colab, and you'll see code cells. You can execute each cell individually.
- Open the
Running Cells:
- Run a cell by clicking the play button next to the cell or using the keyboard shortcut Shift + Enter.
Execution Order:
- Ensure you run the cells in the correct order as the state of variables and functions is maintained between cells.
Installing Dependencies:
- If the code depends on external libraries, install them in a code cell. For example:
!pip install library-name
- If the code depends on external libraries, install them in a code cell. For example:
Restarting the Runtime:
- In some cases, restart the runtime environment. Do this from the "Runtime" menu > "Restart runtime."
Saving Changes:
- If you modify the code and want to save to the original file, download the notebook after making changes.
Remember that any changes you make in Colab won't affect the original file on your computer. If you want to save changes, download the notebook from Colab and replace the original file with the modified version locally.
For the case of electric vehicles, the final version of the genetic algorithm is in file 'vehicles_under_uncertainty.ypinb' while the MILP algorithm is in file 'vehicles_without_uncertainty.ypinb'. To run the code, you must follow the detailed steps in the previous section. You can execute the algorithms using the data files or create them directly in the code using the content of 'data.txt'. The general steps you should follow to test the algorithms are as follows:
- Import the data files into the environment if you wish to use them, or modify the code snippet where vehicles and chargers are declared by adding or removing them and editing their characteristics. You can use the file data.txt for this purpose.
- Execute the cells where libraries are installed, classes are declared, and basic functions required by the algorithms are defined.
- Run the cell containing the main program. The output of this cell displays the planning, the total cost of the solution, and the timespan.
The algorithms solving the robot problem are both in file 'Robots_algorithms.ypinb'. Similarly, for the vehicles case, you have the option to run the algorithms by utilizing existing data files or generating them directly in the code using the contents of 'data.txt'.
- Import the data files into the environment if you intend to utilize them. Alternatively, you can modify the code snippet where robots and patients are declared by adding or removing them and adjusting their characteristics. The file data.txt can be employed for this task.
- Execute the cells where libraries are installed, classes are declared, and basic functions required by the algorithms are defined.
- Run the cell containing the main program. The output of this cell displays the planning, the timespan of the solution.
You can also generate the evaluation charts using the code found in evaluation_charts.ypinb and correlation.ypinb. To achieve this, simply run the cells in order, and various graphs will be displayed as output. If you wish to modify the data to create new graphs, you can do so by editing the data matrices at the beginning of the code that generates each graph.
As already shown, there are three files within the 'Data' folder containing sample data for running the algorithms.
- The file
contains example code for creating different objects of the 'Vehicle' class. You can copy and paste its entire content or parts of it to directly create vehicles within the algorithm code without using external files. The file includes up to 150 vehicles and has been used to run various experiments. Each vehicle is initialized with a set of parameters: the vehicle identifier, the distance it has to travel, the approximate arrival and departure times, current load, battery capacity, charging speed, and discharge rate. The parameters are set in that order. Following this structure, we can create new vehicles with new data. - On its part, the files
. These constitute external data files that you can add to the runtime environment to execute the algorithms. In the case of 'vehicles.txt', each line represents a vehicle, and each parameter is separated from another by a comma (,). The parameters are defined in the order explained in the previous section. In the case of 'patients.txt', each line represents a patient consisting of the following parameters: identifier, distance to the room, availability schedule of the companion, and an indicator of whether the meal has been delivered or not. You can create new files following this structure or add new lines to the existing ones to test the algorithms