repository moved, maintained elsewhere ->
This repository implements an AWS CloudFormation Resource Provider, which concurrently provisions an AWS Service Catalog Product. Optionally this can be done cross-account by providing a role ARN to be assumed.
See example usage of the resource below. Detailed documentation can be found in the /docs folder.
This resource fronts the provisioning of an AWS Service Catalog product using CloudFormation with a Client Lock. Whenever a provisioned product is already under change on the same product, the resource provider takes care of retrying with proper backoff configurations.
Hence, this resource can be used in multiple use cases. One of the most prominent use cases is extending the AWS Control Tower Account Factory with a custom AWS Service Catalog Product. Details, see in the use case specific README
You can use the following link to deploy the CloudFormation resource provider directly into your AWS account. Ensure you are logged into the AWS Console before following it.
Quickstart CloudFormation Link
Type: ProServe::ServiceCatalog::ConcurrentProvisionedProduct
RoleArn: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/ScTestRole
ProvisionedProductName: CfnTestA
ProductName: test
ProvisioningArtifactName: v1.0.1
OutputKey: CloudformationStackARN
- Key: Test
Value: Hallo
- Introduce type configurations to allow usage of custom named DynamoDB tables.
- While code samples in this repository has been tested and believe it works well, as always, be sure to test it in your environment before using it in production!
- Double check the AWS IAM role permissions. In order to follow the least privilege strategy adapt the permissions as required. To use AWS Service Catalog out of the box, the default permissions are widely open.
The RPDK will automatically generate the correct resource model from the schema whenever the project is built via Maven. You can also do this manually with the following command: cfn generate
Please don't modify files under
, as they will be automatically overwritten.
The code uses Lombok, and you may have to install IDE integrations to enable auto-complete for Lombok-annotated classes.
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.