BACstack is a low-level Elixir implementation for the ASHRAE standard 135, BACnet - Building Automation and Controller network. This implementation supports ASHRAE 135-xxxx and BACnet/IPv4. Support for other transport layers (such as BACnet/SC, BACnet/MSTP) can be straight forward added on top of it.
As this is a low-level implementation, users of this library are required to do the heavy-lifting of the BACnet stack, such as automatically replying to Who-Is services, applying hard application timeout constraints, synchronizing time, etc.
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding bacstack
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:bacstack, "~> 0.1.0"}
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at
First start a transport (specify callback), start Segmentator
, start SegmentsStore
and finally start Client
specifying all three previously started processes.
In the following example, we will use registered processes for ease of use. You can also use :via
tuple for
an alternative to locally registered names (or simply no registration at all).
However since we need to "link" the processes, names make it a lot easier.
Though the transport module does allow to use a function or MFA callback instead,
so "linking" can be implementation by the user as desired.
We use the IPv4 transport and it will automatically determine a network interface to use. You can also specify the network interface directly, if you want to or the wrong interface is selected. Refer to the documentation for more information.
alias BACnet.Stack.Client
alias BACnet.Stack.Segmentator
alias BACnet.Stack.SegmentsStore
alias BACnet.Stack.Transport.IPv4Transport
IPv4Transport.start_link(Client, name: IPv4Transport)
Segmentator.start_link(name: Segmentator)
SegmentsStore.start_link(name: SegmentsStore)
name: Client,
segmentator: Segmentator,
segments_store: SegmentsStore,
transport: IPv4Transport
In a more production environment these processes should be started under a supervisor and also where possible, you should specify the supervisor for the modules to use (i.e. IPv4 transport).
You can now use the Client
module to interact with the BACnet network (i.e. send Who-Is messages).
You can also receive BACnet traffic by specifying a notification receiver when starting Client
See also the ClientHelper
module for functions orientated around helping you to send BACnet service requests.
If you need to interact with a remote BACnet network, you may want to register yourself as a Foreign Device.
For that case, you can start an additional process ForeignDevice
and specify the BBMD.
Please note that the Client
needs to be started on the correct network interface where the BBMD is reachable.
alias BACnet.Stack.ForeignDevice
ForeignDevice.start_link(bbmd: {bbmd_ip, 0xBAC0}, client: Client)
This library uses the library Codepagex to implement character set conversion. By default, Codepagex only generates conversion code for fast conversion algorithms to and from UTF-8 (such as ISO-8859-1).
If you need to use other character sets, such as CP932 (JIS-X-0208) or CP850 (DBCS), you will have to configure Codepagex accordingly. Refer to their documentation for the necessary steps.
Object Type | Representation | Execute | Intrinsic Reporting |
Accumulator | 135-2012 | - | - |
Analog Input | 135-2012 | - | - |
Analog Output | 135-2012 | - | - |
Analog Value | 135-2012 | - | - |
Averaging | 135-2012 | - | - |
Binary Input | 135-2012 | - | - |
Binary Output | 135-2012 | - | - |
Binary Value | 135-2012 | - | - |
Calendar | 135-2012 | - | - |
Command | 135-2012 | - | - |
Device | 135-2012 | - | - |
Event Enrollment | 135-2012 | - | - |
File | 135-2012 | - | - |
Group | 135-2012 | - | - |
Life Safety Point | N/A | - | - |
Life Safety Zone | N/A | - | - |
Loop | 135-2012 | - | - |
Multistate Input | 135-2012 | - | - |
Multistate Output | 135-2012 | - | - |
Multistate Value | 135-2012 | - | - |
Notification Class | 135-2012 | - | - |
Program | 135-2012 | - | - |
Pulse Converter | 135-2012 | - | - |
Schedule | 135-2012 | - | - |
Event Log | 135-2012 | - | - |
Trend Log | 135-2012 | - | - |
Trend Log Multiple | 135-2012 | - | - |
Load Control | - | - | - |
Access Point | N/A | - | - |
Access Zone | N/A | - | - |
Access User | N/A | - | - |
Access Rights | N/A | - | - |
Access Credential | N/A | - | - |
Credential Data Input | N/A | - | - |
Structured View | 135-2012 | - | - |
Character String Value | 135-2012 | - | - |
DateTime Value | 135-2012 | - | - |
Large Analog Value | 135-2012 | - | - |
Bitstring | 135-2012 | - | - |
Octet String Value | 135-2012 | - | - |
Time Value | 135-2012 | - | - |
Integer Value | 135-2012 | - | - |
Positive Integer Value | 135-2012 | - | - |
Date Value | 135-2012 | - | - |
DateTime Pattern Value | 135-2012 | - | - |
Time Pattern Value | 135-2012 | - | - |
Date Pattern Value | 135-2012 | - | - |
Network Security | N/A | - | - |
Global Group | - | - | - |
Notification Forwarder | - | - | - |
Alert Enrollment | - | - | - |
Channel | - | - | - |
Lighting Output | - | - | - |
Service Name | Receive | Send | ACK (Pos/Neg) |
Confirmed COV | x | x | Simple/Error |
Unconfirmed COV | x | x | |
Confirmed Event | x | x | Simple/Error |
Unconfirmed Event | x | x | |
Acknowledge Alarm | x | x | Simple/Error |
Get Alarm Summary | x | x | x/Error |
Get Enrollment Summary | x | x | x/Error |
Get Event Information | x | x | x/Error |
Life Safety Operation | x | x | Simple/Error |
Subscribe COV | x | x | Simple/Error |
Subscribe COV Property | x | x | Simple/Error |
Atomic Read File | x | x | x/Error |
Atomic Write File | x | x | x/Error |
Add List Element | x | x | Simple/x |
Remove List Element | x | x | Simple/x |
Create Object | x | x | x/x |
Delete Object | x | x | Simple/x |
Read Property | x | x | x/Error |
Read Property Multiple | x | x | x/Error |
Read Range | x | x | x/Error |
Write Property | x | x | Simple/Error |
Write Property Multiple | x | x | Simple/x |
Write Group | x | x | |
Device Communication Control | x | x | Simple/Error |
Confirmed Private Transfer | x | x | x/x |
Unconfirmed Private Transfer | x | x | |
Reinitialize Device | x | x | Simple/Error |
Confirmed Text Message | x | x | Simple/Error |
Unconfirmed Text Message | x | x | |
Time Synchronization | x | x | |
UTC Time Synchronization | x | x | |
Who-Has | x | x | |
I-Have | x | x | |
Who-Is | x | x | |
I-Am | x | x | |
VT Open | N/A | N/A | |
VT Close | N/A | N/A | |
VT Data | N/A | N/A |
Event Algorithm | Implemented |
Buffer Ready | 135-2012 |
Change Of Bitstring | 135-2012 |
Change Of Character String | 135-2012 |
Change Of Life Safety | 135-2012 |
Change Of State | 135-2012 |
Change Of Status Flags | 135-2012 |
Change Of Value | 135-2012 |
Command Failure | 135-2012 |
Complex Event Type | N/A |
Double Out Of Range | 135-2012 |
Extended | N/A |
Floating Limit | 135-2012 |
Out Of Range | 135-2012 |
Signed Out Of Range | 135-2012 |
Unsigned Out Of Range | 135-2012 |
Unsigned Range | 135-2012 |
Fault Algorithm | Implemented |
Fault Character String | 135-2012 |
Fault Extended | N/A |
Fault Life Safety | 135-2012 |
Fault State | 135-2012 |
Fault Status Flags | 135-2012 |