Laravel Localization in JavaScript.
This is a simple package that convert all your localization messages of your Laravel app to JavaScript, and provides a small JavaScript library to interact with those messages.
Support Laravel 4.2.x, Laravel 5, Laravel 5.1.x. and Laravel 5.2.x.
Add the following line to you composer.json
file under require
"mariuzzo/laravel-js-localization": "1.2.*"
composer update
In your Laravel app go to app/config/app.php
and add the following service provider:
'providers' => [
// ...
// ...
That's it!
This project comes with a command that generate the JavaScript version of all your messages found at: app/lang
or resources/lang
directory. The resulting JavaScript file will have the whole bunch of messages and a thin library similar to Laravel's Lang
Generating JS messages
php artisan lang:js
Specifying a custom target
php artisan lang:js public/assets/dist/lang.dist.js
Compressing the JS file
php artisan lang:js -c
Use gulp to publish (optional):
install gulp-shell
from with npm install --save-dev gulp-shell
and then run it directly in your gulpfile.js
var shell = require('gulp-shell');
gulp.task('langJs', shell.task('php artisan lang:js -c public/js/messages.js'));
or you can extend Laravel's elixir like this:
elixir.extend("langjs", function(path) {
gulp.task("langjs", function() {
gulp.src("").pipe(shell("php artisan lang:js " + (path || "public/js/messages.js")));
return this.queueTask("langjs");
and use it like this:
elixir(function(mix) {
This is the documentation regarding the thin JavaScript library. The library highly inspired on Laravel's Lang
Getting a message
Getting a message with replacements
Lang.get('messages.welcome', { name: 'Joe' });
Changing the locale
Checking if a message key exists
Support for singular and plural message based on a count
Lang.choice('messages.apples', 10);
Calling the choice
method with replacements
Lang.choice('messages.apples', 10, { name: 'Joe' });
For more detailed information, take a look at the source: Lang.js.
- Fork this repository and clone it.
- Create a branch from develop:
git checkout -b feature-foo
. - Push your commits and create a pull request.
You need to have installed the following softwares.
- Composer.
- NodeJS.
- NPM.
- PHP 5.4+.
After getting all the required softwares you may run the following commands to get everything ready:
Install PHP dependencies:
composer install
Install NPM dependences:
npm install -g jasmine-node npm install
Now you are good to go! Happy coding!
This project use Jasmine-Node and PHPUnit. All tests are stored at tests
To run all JS tests type in you terminal:
npm test
To run all PHP tests type in your terminal: