- Java app monitoring with ELK - Part I - Logstash and Logback
- Java app monitoring with ELK - Part II- ElasticSearch
- Part 3 - coming soon
- Install Docker and Docker-compose
- Clone this repository
$ git clone git@github.com:balamaci/blog-elk-docker
To start the ELK stack
docker-compose up
will read the docker-compose.yml and start the ELK containers.
you can do
docker ps
to see the running containers
ab4b849bcb62 elkintrogithub_kibana "/docker-entrypoint. 8 minutes ago Up 39 seconds>5601/tcp elkintrogithub_kibana_1
3cd9a4e56841 logstash:latest "/docker-entrypoint. 9 minutes ago Up 40 seconds>5000/tcp elkintrogithub_logstash_1
8a199941f859 elasticsearch:latest "/docker-entrypoint. 9 minutes ago Up 40 seconds>9200/tcp,>9300/tcp elkintrogithub_elasticsearch_1
you can easily get the ip of any container - logstash, kibana, elasticsearch
docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' container_id
so you can for ex. open the browser and open Kibana http://ip_from_above:5601
For event generation you can use provided script **event-generate.sh** with the container name from above **docker ps** command
./event-generate.sh elkintrogithub_logstash_1
this does
docker run -it --link $1:logstash_host --rm --name event_generator -v ~/.m2/:/root/.m2 -v "$PWD":/usr/src/mymaven -w /usr/src/mymaven maven:3.3.3-jdk-8 mvn clean compile exec:java
so basically inside a Java docker container we invoke the **maven-exec** plugin to run the **Start.main(String args[])** as configured in [pom.xml](https://github.com/balamaci/blog-elk-docker/blob/master/pom.xml).
--link $1:logstash_host -> link with the logstash container so we can reference directly in logback config
-v ~/.m2/:/root/.m2 -> map the user's maven directory to the one in the container so the dependencies would not have to be downloaded whenever the container is recreated
The number and type of events and is configured in the **[jobs.conf](https://github.com/balamaci/blog-elk-docker/blob/master/src/main/resources/jobs.conf)** file:
events {
name:login, //defined bellow
login {
class : ro.fortsoft.elk.testdata.generator.event.LoginEvent
submit {
class : ro.fortsoft.elk.testdata.generator.event.SubmitOrderEvent
you can create and add your own event by extending **[BaseEvent](https://github.com/balamaci/blog-elk-docker/blob/master/src/main/java/ro/fortsoft/elk/testdata/generator/event/base/BaseEvent.java)** and adding it to the list of jobs.
#### How the events are run
The code that fires the events:
ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numberOfConcurrentThreads);
/** From 0->numberOfEvents we produce an Event(extends Runnable) which
we submit to the Executor service **/
IntStream.rangeClosed(0, numberOfEvents)
//since all the jobs have been submitted we notify the pool that it can shutdown
try {
//wait for the submitted tasks to finish, but no more
executorService.awaitTermination(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
} catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
} finally {
//signal the async shipping to Logstash threads to terminate
**_Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numberOfThreads)_** method which creates an ExecutorService with a pool of threads, but also as parameter an unbounded(MAX_INT) - **LinkedBlockingQueue**-.
If we submit more jobs than there are free threads in the pool, the new jobs which are held "in store" until one of the worker threads is free to take a new job from the queue.
This means the ExecutorService can accept quickly all the submitted jobs. It's not blocking at any of the executorService.submit() call, since the **BlockingQueue** is unbounded).
IntStream.rangeClosed(0, numberOfEvents)
Since all the jobs have been submitted quite fast, we notify the pool that it can shutdown so the Main thread can eventually exit
but we need to wait for the jobs that were submitted and not yet processed - those stored in the BlockingQueue- to finish with a generous grace period
executorService.awaitTermination(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
In the end, the shutdownLogger command is necessary to stop the async threads which are pushing the log events into Logstash and to close the connection