- Sveltekit
- prefetching data on the server
- routing with a bottom navbar
- authenticated SSR
- most of the application can be used without JS (speed and accessibility benefits)
- BKK Openapi
- save your favorite stops to view them at a glance
- search for stops
- view departures around you
- Firebase Backend
- Google sign in
- sign in in the backround to support great onboarding experience
- authenticate on server for better SSR
- save stops to Firestore for realtime data
- svelte & sveltekit
- tailwindcss
- semantic html
- vite-plugin-pwa
- deployed to netlify
- fully functional PWA
- firebase local cache
- offline support
- plan trip to stop
- custom (at least dark) scrollbar
Huge thanks to @fireship for all of his videos on svelte and firebase, and the FKIT course for user stores.