An application to consume Breaking Bad API and to favorite characters from that. That API was coded with the porpuse of practising what I've learnt about hexagonal archictecute. Check out my blog post: Basics of hexagonal architecture
- JDK-11
- Lombok plugin for your IDE
- git
- Docker properly installed if you want to run using the available docker image
With the source code:
git clone
cd arquitetura-hexagonal/breakingbad
./mvnw spring-boot:run
With docker image
docker run -p 8080:8080 -d --name breakingbadApi baclaud/breakingbad:latest
GET in /api/v1/characters: returns a list of all characters from breaking bad
GET in /api/v1/characters/{id}: returns the character from given ID
POST in /api/v1/favorites/{id}: favorites and returns a character from given ID
PATCH in /api/v1/favorites: Receives a json body with id(int) and favorite(boolean) to updated a favorited character
GET in /api/v1/favorites: returns a list with all favorited characters
GET in /api/v1/favorites/{id}: returns the favorite character from given ID
You can check and test every specification in {{baseURL}}/swagger-ui/ while the app is running.
There is also a postman collection available in resources package of the project