Tool to extract read counts from cfDNA samples.
- Count total read count per window (default 1Mb)
- Count individual short fragments (< 150bp) and long fragments (> 150bp)
- fragment size ratio (short/long)
- wig file (can be fed to ichorCNA!)
- bed file with the following structure:
chr pos end read_count ultra_short_fragments short_fragments long_fragments fragment_size_ratio
chr1 0 1000000 20105 290 3974 15841 0.0729743
chr1 1000000 2000000 73446 1322 16566 55558 0.079802
chr1 2000000 3000000 58489 1032 13101 44356 0.0787726
./fragment_extractor <input.bam> <> <output.bed> output.wig>
- Include a parameter to control windo size.
- Define short, long fragment thresholds.