A mini regex library for most commonly used patterns
- Pan Card
- Aadhaar Card
- GST Number
- Passport
- Voter ID
- Phone number,
- Pincode,
- Pure numbers,
- Pure string,
- Alphanumeric,
- Alphanumeric with spaces,
- Username,
- Fullname
- Web URL
yarn add @bp/valiy
npm i @bp/valiy
Method | Params | Description |
validate | regex, value[string] | Custom validation - validate(regex, value) returns boolean |
validatePan | value[string] | Pan validation - validatePan(value) returns boolean |
validateAadhaar | value[string] | Aadhar validation - validateAadhaar(value) returns boolean |
validateGST | value[string] | GST validation - validateGST(value) returns boolean |
validatePassport | value[string] | Passport validation - validatePassport(value) returns boolean |
validateVoterId | value[string] | VoterID validation - validateVoterId(value) returns boolean |
validatePhone | value[string] | Phone number validation - validatePhone(value) returns boolean |
validatePincode | value[string] | Pincode validation - validatePincode(value) returns boolean |
validateOnlyString | value[string] | String validation - validateOnlyString(value) returns boolean |
validateOnlyNumber | value[string] | Number validation - validateOnlyNumber(value) returns boolean |
validateAlphanumeric | value[string] | Alphanumeric validation - validateAlphanumeric(value) returns boolean |
validateAlphanumericWithSpace | value[string] | Alphanumeric with space validation - validateAlphanumericWithSpace(value) returns boolean |
validateFullname | value[string] | Full name validation - validateFullname(value) returns boolean |
validateUsername | value[string] | Username validation - validateUsername(value) returns boolean |
validateEmail | value[string] | Email validation - validateEmail(value) returns boolean |
validateWebUrl | value[string] | Web URL validation - validateWebUrl(value) returns boolean |
import { Validator, Regex } from '@bp/valiy';
// PAN Validation
Validator.validatePan('BUFPP9037C') // True
Validator.validatePan('BUFPP90_37CS') // False
// AADHAR Validation
Validator.validateAadhaar('5858 5119 3566') // True
// Full name validation
Validator.validateFullname('ABDUL KALAM AZAAD') // True
Validator.validateFullname('0345_KRISH') // False
// Validate GST
Validator.validateGST('07CQZCD1111I4Z7') // True
// Can get Regex directly
Regex.PAN_REGEX; // /[A-Z]{5}[0-9]{4}[A-Z]{1}$/
// Custom validation
Validator.validate(SOME_REGEX, 'VALUE1234'); // True or False
// Can import individual function or regex
import { validate, PAN_REGEX, validateFullname } from '@bp/valiy';
// Full name validation
Validator.validateFullname('ABDUL KALAM AZAAD') // True
Validator.validateFullname('0345_KRISH') // False
// Custom validation
Validator.validate(PAN_REGEX, 'BUFPP9037C'); // True
Validator.validate(PAN_REGEX, 'BUFPP90_37CS'); // False
// Custom validation
Validator.validate(SOME_REGEX, 'VALUE1234'); // True or False
* @name PAN_REGEX
* @example BUFPP9037C
* @description
* - First 5 alphabets
* - followed by 4 numberals
* - followed by one alphabets
* @example 585851193566
* @description: 12 Digits
* @name GST_REGEX
* @example 27AAPFU0939F1ZV
* @description Total 15 characters
* - First 2 digits of the GST Number will represent State Code as per the Census (2011).
- Next 10 digits will be same as in the PAN number of the taxpayer.
- First five will be alphabets
- Next four will be numbers
- Last will be check code
- The 13th digit will be the number of registration you take within a state i.e. after 9, A to Z is considered as 10 to 35 .
- 14th digit will be Z by default.
- Last would be the check code.
* @example A2096457
* @description It should be eight characters long.
* - The first character should be an upper case alphabet.
* - The next two characters should be a number, but the first character should be any number from 1-9 and the second character should be any number from 0-9.
* - It should be zero or one white space character.
* - The next four characters should be any number from 0-9.
* - The last character should be any number from 1-9.
* @example GDN0225185
* @description It should be 10 characters long
* - First 3 alphabets
* - Followed by 7 numbers
* @example 8880344456 | +918880344456 | +91 8880344456 | +91-8880344456 | 08880344456 | 918880344456
* @description Mobile number validation with all cases +91,0,Without prefix.
* @example 770018
* @description It should be 6 digit number
* - First digit cannot be 0
* @example Bharatpe
* @description All string regex
* @example 1234
* @description All numbers regex
* @example abcDeF124
* @description Alpanumeric contains mix of numbers and alpahbets
* @example abcD eF 124
* @description Alpanumeric contains mix of numbers and alpahbets with spaces in between
* @example abcDe_F124
* @description Alpanumeric contains mix of numbers and alpahbets
* @description Alpanumeric contains mix of numbers and alpahbets
* @example krish@bharatpe.com | tech@geek.io.in | hack_12RT.Y56_RT@hc.st.io
* @description Common email validator
* - Start with alphanumeric
* - Followed by alphanumeric with underscore, dot allowed
* - With @ followed by domain name
* @example bharatpe.com | www.bharatpe.io | https://bharatpe.com | http://bharatpe.com?file=jus_.F-filename_
* @description Common Web url format
Here Contributors
MIT @bharatpe