This folder contains the materials presented during the Machine Learning and Analytics Track at the Data Culture Series Technical Day.
AzureML_Presentation_DataCulture.pptx contains the main presentation with links to different resources and suggestions for further reading.
Azure Machine Learning Tutorial Document (in both .docx and .pdf formats) contains a Flight Delay Demo experiment created in Azure ML, from data ingest to producing and testing a web service. This is the main hands-on-lab of the track. The first stage of the Flight delay demo is the preprocessing phase. You can open an experiment which already contains the implementation of this stage from Azure ML Gallery: Predicting Flight Delay Demo Experiment - Preprocessing Stage
AzureML Digit Recognition App is a video of creating a Digit Recogniser Experiment in Azure ML Studio.
Lab - Text Analytics with R and Azure Machine Learning is a lab exploring text analytics and R integration with Azure Machine Learning.
Microsoft Machine Learning Cheat Sheet is included for your reference.