Write your blogs in a markdown file. Open blogto from sidebar view. You will be able to post your markdown content from the vscode to hashnode, medium or dev.to.
Reasons to use the extension
- Its in your favourite texteditor
- avoids openning multiple tabs :(
- post to hashnode, medium or dev.to
Features (0.5.0):
- Post blogs to dev.to, medium and hashnode
- Simple UI
- Good feedback.
- Simple to set up
- Download the extension here
- Open blogto from the sidebar view.
- Click on the config button, set up the api tokens for medium,dev. to and hashnode.
- This will fetch your data and save it to localSession in vscode
- To reset you can submit the details again.
- Start posting blogs
- Issues and Error, contact : pratik@coolhead.in, github here
Upcoming Features,Bugs, issues and possible solutions.
- Image uploading
- Extract all the image tags, uploading them on the platform via api, get the image url and replace them in the markdown.
- There is a limit of 10 requests per 30 seconds.(dev.to)
- Posting as organisation
Users appreciate release notes as you update your extension.
Beta release for testing and debugging