RNA editing is a source of transcriptomic diversity, mainly in non-coding regions, and is altered in cancer. Recent studies demonstrated that A-to-I RNA editing events are manifested at the proteomic level and contribute to protein heterogeneity in cancer. Given somatic RNA-editing mutation as input, PREP identify and evaluate the potential immunogenicity of RNA editing based peptides. Detailed information please refer to citation.
Chi Zhou and Qi Liu
Systematically Characterizing A-to-I RNA Editing Neoantigens in Cancer, Submitted, 2019.
PREP currently tested on x86_64 on ubuntu 16.04.
- Python 2.7
- NetMHCpan 4.0
- Variant Effect Predictor (VEP)
- samtools
- Optitype
- GATK 3.8
- Picard tools
- Java 8
- kallisto
- trimmomatic
- vcftools
- blast
- tabix
- gawk
- yaml
- XGboost
- biopython
- scikit-learn==0.19.1
- pandas
- numpy
- Pyomo
- tables
- pysam
- future
- multiprocessing
- subprocess
- math
- matplotlib
Docker image of PREP is at https://hub.docker.com/r/bm2lab/prep/.
Install Docker on your computer and make sure it works.
Call docker
pull bm2lab/prep
which will download the Docker image. -
Run the image in interactive mode with your dataset:
docker run -it -v /your/path/to/dataset/:/home/bioworker/dataset bm2lab/prep /bin/bash
Change directory into /home/bioworker/project/PREP:
cd /home/bioworker/project/PREP
Download reference data:
bash data_download.sh
and fill the proper path of input files. -
Run the program with follow commands:
python PREP.py RE -i config.yaml
Install all software and python package listed above.
Download or clone the PREP repository to your local system:
git clone https://github.com/bm2-lab/PREP.git
to your directory inconfig.yaml
. Please refer to user manual for a detailed description.
To run PREP, first fill file path of you rna-seq FASTQ file in confg.yaml
, then use:
python PREP.py RE -i config.yaml
For detailed information about usage, input and output files, test examples and data preparation please refer to the PREP User Manual
Chi Zhou
Qi Liu
Biological and Medical Big data Mining Lab
Tongji University
Shanghai, China.