Wraps common operations regarding Log4Net. More useful it provides a mechanism to present the logs on a richtextbox with custom colors.
The provided RichTextBox appender is also compatible with Log4Net.Async!
- Add Log4NetWrapperLite nuget package in your nuget packages browser
- Add RichTextBoxLog4Net appender in the App.config
<appender name="RichTextBoxLog4Net" type="Log4NetWrapperLite.RichTextBoxLog4NetAppender">
<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
<param name="ConversionPattern" value="%date{HH:mm:ss,fff} [%thread] %level - %message%newline" />
<level value="DEBUG" />
<appender-ref ref="RichTextBoxLog4Net" />
- Set the richtext box in the user Control:
public ConsoleTextBoxView() {
RichTextBoxLog4NetAppender appender = Logger.GetAppender<RichTextBoxLog4NetAppender>();
if (appender != null)
appender.RichTextBox = LogTextBox;
//Not needed. It's just a Quality Of Life feature
private void LogTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) {
// set the current caret position to the end
- Log using:
using Log4NetWrapperLite;
public class Program {
static void main(string[] args) {
Logger.Info("My info Message");
Logger.Error("My error Message");
Logger.Warn("My warn Message");
Logger.Fatal("My fatal Message");
Logger.Debug("My debug Message");
using log4net.Core;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Media;
namespace MyNamespace {
internal class DefaultLogFormatter : ILogFormatter {
private StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
public Dictionary<Level, Brush> LogLevelToTextForegroundBrush { get; } = new Dictionary<Level, Brush>() {
{ Level.Info, Brushes.Lime },
{ Level.Debug, Brushes.White },
{ Level.Warn, Brushes.Yellow },
{ Level.Error, Brushes.DarkOrange},
{ Level.Fatal, Brushes.Red }
public string FormatPrefix(LoggingEvent e) {
return stringBuilder
.Append(e.TimeStamp.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff"))
.Append(" |")
.Append("| - ")
public string FormatMessage(LoggingEvent e) {
return e.RenderedMessage;
public Brush LevelToPrefixBackgroundBrush(Level level) {
return Brushes.Black;
public Brush LevelToPrefixForegroundBrush(Level level) {
return Brushes.White;
public Brush LevelToTextBackgroundBrush(Level level) {
return Brushes.Black;
public Brush LevelToTextForegroundBrush(Level level) {
if (LogLevelToTextForegroundBrush.ContainsKey(level)) {
return LogLevelToTextForegroundBrush[level];
return Brushes.White;