Well, hmm, I found that I could use XmlSerializer instead. Hmm, was fun to learn this! But hey, it does one thing that the latter does not: support dictionaries!
Exports/Imports custom C# objects to Xml Files.
The main object that will contain the values can be a object, a IEnumerable or a dictionary.
It supports nested types as long as it is a class, a List or a Dictionary. It will import/export public properties.
public class MySetting {
public string Name { get; set; } = "Hello"
public bool Enable { get; set; } = false;
public static readonly string KeyName = "Name";
public static Func<XElement, string> KeyValue = k => k.Element(KeyName).Value;
string settingsPath = "C:\config.xml"
Dictionary<string, MySetting> mySettingsDictionary;
ConfigurationFileManager<MySetting>.Load(settingsPath, MySetting.KeyValue, out mySettingsDictionary);
setting.Enable = true;
ConfigurationFileManager<MySetting>.Save(settingsPath, mySettingsDictionary.Values);
MySetting setting;
ConfigurationFileManager<MySetting>.Load(settingsPath, out setting);
setting.Name = "New Name"
ConfigurationFileManager<MySetting>.Save(settingsPath, setting);
public class TestSettings {
public enum CustomEnum { Value1, Value2 }
public class CustomObject {
public string MyString { get; set; } = "10";
public override string ToString() {
return MyString;
public Dictionary<CustomEnum, List<CustomObject>> ExampleDicEnumToListCustomObject { get; set; } = new Dictionary<CustomEnum, List<CustomObject>>();
public Dictionary<CustomEnum, bool> ExampleDicEnumToBool { get; set; } = new Dictionary<CustomEnum, bool>();
public Dictionary<CustomEnum, CustomObject> ExampleDicEnumToCustomObject { get; set; } = new Dictionary<CustomEnum, CustomObject>();
public Dictionary<int, CustomObject> ExampleDicIntToCustomObject { get; set; } = new Dictionary<int, CustomObject>();
public Dictionary<CustomObject, int> ExampleDicCustomObjectToInt { get; set; } = new Dictionary<CustomObject, int>();
public Dictionary<string, int> ExampleDicStringToInt { get; set; } = new Dictionary<string, int>();
public string ExampleString { get; set; } = "Example";
public CustomEnum ExampleEnum { get; set; } = CustomEnum.Value1;
public CustomObject ExampleCustomObject { get; set; } = new CustomObject();
public List<CustomObject> ExampleListCustomObject { get; set; } = new List<CustomObject>();
public List<string> ExampleListString { get; set; } = new List<string>();
public TestSettings() {
ExampleListCustomObject.Add(new CustomObject() { MyString="Hi"});
ExampleListCustomObject.Add(new CustomObject() { MyString="Hello" });
ExampleDicStringToInt.Add("D", 1);
ExampleDicStringToInt.Add("E", 2);
ExampleDicCustomObjectToInt.Add(new CustomObject() { MyString = "Bye" }, 1);
ExampleDicCustomObjectToInt.Add(new CustomObject() { MyString = "Goodbye" }, 2);
ExampleDicIntToCustomObject.Add(1, new CustomObject() { MyString = "Cya" });
ExampleDicIntToCustomObject.Add(2, new CustomObject() { MyString = "See ya" });
ExampleDicEnumToCustomObject.Add(CustomEnum.Value1, new CustomObject() { MyString = "Eat" });
ExampleDicEnumToCustomObject.Add(CustomEnum.Value2, new CustomObject() { MyString = "Drink" });
ExampleDicEnumToListCustomObject.Add(CustomEnum.Value1, new List<CustomObject>() {
new CustomObject { MyString="Coffee"},
new CustomObject() { MyString="Tea"}
ExampleDicEnumToListCustomObject.Add(CustomEnum.Value2, new List<CustomObject>() {
new CustomObject { MyString="Beer"},
new CustomObject() { MyString="Water"}
ExampleDicEnumToBool.Add(CustomEnum.Value1, true);
ExampleDicEnumToBool.Add(CustomEnum.Value2, false);
Will produce...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<MyString>See ya</MyString>