Soccer analytics leveraging Flink. Solution to DEBS 2013 Grand Challenge.
Coursework in Systems and Architectures for Big Data 2016/2017
The system needs to be provided with the following packages:
- Java >= 1.8.0
- Maven >= 3.5.0
- Hadoop = 2.8.0
- Flink = 1.3.0 (scala 2.11)
- Kafka >=
- ElasticSearch >= 5.5.0
and the following environment variables, pointing to the respective package home directory:
Build the application for a specific query:
$> mvn clean package
Start the environment:
$socstream_home> bash
Visit the Flink web dashboard at http://localhost:8081.
The general job submission is as follows:
$flink_home> bin/flink jar <SOCSTREAM-JAR> [QUERY] [QUERY_OPTS]
- [SOCSTREAM-JAR] is the local absolute path to the Socstream's JAR;
- [QUERY] is the name of the Socstream query to execute;
- [QUERY_OPTS] are query arguments (e.g. --optName optValue).
Notice that the following map/reduce programs are available:
- socstream-query-1 the 1st query, leveraging ... ;
- socstream-query-2 the 2nd query, leveraging ... ;
- socstream-query-3 the 3rd query, leveraging ... .
The job can be interrupted typing Ctrl+C.
Read the output:
$hadoop_home> bin/hadoop hdfs -cat [RESULT]/*
where [RESULT] is the HDFS directory of results.
Stop the environment:
$socstream_home> bash
First you need to create the Kafka topic socstream
$> sudo ${KAFKA_HOME}/bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic socstream
Test the topic creation:
$> sudo ${KAFKA_HOME}/bin/ --list --zookeeper localhost:2181
Push data via the Kafka producer, manually:
$socstream_home> bash
or, push bulk data via the Kafka producer:
$socstream_home> cat [YOUR_FILE] | bash
where [YOUR_FILE] is the absolute path to a file containing the dataset.
The name of the Elasticsearch cluster must be: my-es-cluster
You can find here the Postman documentation with all
of the REST calls to setup and query the Elasticsearch cluster.
Create the Elasticsearch index socstream
with mapping query-1
and mapping schema
"properties": {
"tsStart": {"type": "date"},
"tsStop": {"type": "date"},
"pid": {"type": "long"},
"totalDistance": {"type": "double"},
"averageSpeed": {"type": "double"}
Create the Elasticsearch index socstream
with mapping query-2
and mapping schema
"properties": {
"tsStart": {"type": "date"},
"tsStop": {"type": "date"},
"rank": {
"properties": {
"pid": {"type": "long"},
"averageSpeed": {"type": "double"}
Create the Elasticsearch index socstream
with mapping query-3
and mapping schema
"properties": {
"ts": {"type": "date"},
"pid": {"type": "long"},
"cells": {
"properties": {
"cid": {"type": "text"},
"presence": {"type": "double"}
The 1st query can be executed running:
$socstream_home> bash
The output is saved to ${FLINK_HOME}/log/*.out.
The 2nd query can be executed running:
$socstream_home> bash
The output is saved to ${FLINK_HOME}/log/*.out.
The 3rd query can be executed running:
$socstream_home> bash
The output is saved to ${FLINK_HOME}/log/*.out.
The dataset is provided by DEBS Grand Challenge commitee and can be downloaded from here.
Giacomo Marciani,
Michele Porretta,
Christopher Mutschler, Holger Ziekow, and Zbigniew Jerzak. 2013. The DEBS 2013 grand challenge. In Proceedings of the 7th ACM international conference on Distributed event-based systems (DEBS '13). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 289-294. DOI
The project is released under the MIT License.