For easy printing of ascii tables within python
pip install -U git+
On debian sid
apt-get install python-texttable
from texttable import Texttable, get_color_string, bcolors
table = Texttable()
table.set_cols_align(["l", "r", "c"])
table.set_cols_valign(["t", "m", "b"])
table.add_rows([ [get_color_string(bcolors.GREEN, "Name Of Person"), "Age", "Nickname"],
["Mr\nXavier\nHuon", 32, "Xav'"],
[get_color_string(bcolors.BLUE,"Mr\nBaptiste\nClement"), 1, get_color_string(bcolors.RED,"Baby")] ])
print(table.draw() + "\n")
table = Texttable()
table.set_cols_dtype(['t', # text
'f', # float (decimal)
'e', # float (exponent)
'i', # integer
'a']) # automatic
table.set_cols_align(["l", "r", "r", "r", "l"])
table.add_rows([["text", "float", "exp", "int", "auto"],
["abcd", "67", 654, 89, 128.001],
["efghijk", 67.5434, .654, 89.6, 12800000000000000000000.00023],
["lmn", 5e-78, 5e-78, 89.4, .000000000000128],
["opqrstu", .023, 5e+78, 92., 12800000000000000000000]])