Playground for Apache Kafka, Apache Flink (CEP, ML) Elasticsearch and Kibana in Scala
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/ Akka \ / \ / \ |x |
| Vert.x | | Flink | _ _ | Elasticsearch | --- | Kibana |
| | | | / \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / |_ _ _ _ _ _|
| Node.js | -- Kafka ---| Job | / _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Spring Boot | | Job | \ / \ _ _ _ _ _ _
| .NET Core | | Job | \ _ _| Kafka | -- / Other apps \
\_ _ _ _ _ _ __ / \ _ _ _ _/ \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _/ \ _ _ _ _ _ _ /
- Scala 2.11.7
- Sbt 0.13
- Kafka 0.10
- Flink 1.3.1
- Elasticsearch 5.5.0
- Kibana 5.5.0
- Docker
- Kubernetes 1.7
- Jenkins Pipelines
# TODO: convert to `docker-compose`
tar -xzf kafka_2.11-
cd kafka_2.11-
# Start Zookeeper
bin/ config/
# Start Kafka server
bin/ config/
# Create topic
bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic scream-processing
tar xzf flink-*.tgz # Unpack the downloaded archive
cd flink-1.3.1
# Start Flink
docker pull flink
docker run -t -p 8081:8081 flink local
Flink Elasticsearch connector
for Elasticsearch 5
is missing in Maven
repository atm.
#Elasticsearch 5.5.0
docker run --name scream-processing-elasticsearch -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 \
-e "" -e "" -d elasticsearch:5.5.0
# Kibana 5.5.0
docker run --name scream-processing-kibana --link scream-processing-elasticsearch:elasticsearch -p 5601:5601 -d kibana:5.5.0
# clone docker-flink/examples repo
git clone
cd docker-flink
# Build the Helm archive:
helm package helm/flink/
# Create namespace for `flink`
kubectl create ns flink
# Deploy a non-HA Flink cluster with a single taskmanager:
helm install --name scream-processing-flink --set global.namespace=flink flink*.tgz
# Deploy a non-HA Flink cluster with three taskmanagers:
helm install --name scream-processing-flink --set flink.num_taskmanagers=3 --set global.namespace=flink flink*.tgz
# Deploy an HA Flink cluster with three taskmanagers:
cat > values.yaml <<EOF
num_taskmanagers: 3
enabled: true
zookeeper_quorum: <zookeeper quorum string>
state_s3_bucket: <s3 bucket>
aws_access_key_id: <aws access key>
aws_secret_access_key: <aws secret key>
# use modified values.yaml
helm install --name scream-processing-flink --set global.namespace=flink --values values.yaml flink*.tgz
# Add helm repo
helm repo add incubator
# Create namespace for `kafka`
kubectl create ns kafka
# Installs
helm install --name scream-processing-kafka --set global.namespace=kafka incubator/kafka
# Delete
helm delete scream-processing-kafka
# Run following script ot clone starter repo
bash <(curl
# TODO: boilerplate project will be shared
- Test Base using
- Mocking Data Source from collection with timestamp assigner
- Mocking Sink to store data and get back when processing completed
- EmbeddedKafka
- Embedded Elasticsearch (Test helpers will be provided)
Jenkinsfile will be shared soon
- Build Job
- Run tests (using embedded kafka and embedded elasticsearch in my case)
- Filter running jobs to get
current job id
usingFlink REST API
curl http://localhost:8081 | ./jq '.jobs[] | select(.name | startswith("Awesome Job")) | .jid'
- Cancel job with savepoint
- Upload new
{Your Job name-version}.jar
- Run newly uploaded job by starting from previously saved savepoint
- If you want to upload fat-jars and if you get
(Entity Too Large) add following annotations to your ingress.
kind: Ingress
annotations: <your max size>m <your max size>m